2.0: Using the Internet to promote your work Feed

HTTP to HTTPS and the future security of the web.

Recently I got a really scary warning from Google about my website. It said:

"Chrome will show security warnings about this website..."

It continued: 

"Starting October 2017, Chrome (version 62) will show a “NOT SECURE” warning when users enter text in a form on an HTTP page, and for all HTTP pages in Incognito mode.

The following URLs on your site include text input fields (such as < input type="text" > or < input type="email" >) that will trigger the new Chrome warning. Review these examples to see where these warnings will appear, so that you can take action to help protect users’ data. This list is not exhaustive."

Internet security is a big issue these days. I certainly did not want my website visitors to see this and feel my website was not secure!  This warning is enough to throw me into a nauseous spasm of internet inadequacy. Most of my silver repair business is with people emailing me through my website. None of us can afford to lose potential customers.

HttpsHTTPS is the future of the internet.  If you look at all the major retailing sites, they have migrated from the original HTTP address to the newer and more secure HTTPS.  Sticking my head in the sand (or retreating to my metalsmithing studio) would not fix this problem.  I could not go out and water my plants or snack my way through this problem.

https is also the reason for this post. I checked a random but broad selection of artist's, and maker's websites to see if this post would be relevant. Many had the old http prefix which makes them "not secure" in the current internet standards.  I even found the http prefix on art organization's websites. This is a serious issue.  

Ultimately, the solution came a lot easier than I initially imagined.  The "Help" contact on SquareSpace, told me the 1, 2, 3 steps to fix the problem. I am most grateful for their chat assistance. 

Take steps to keep your web presence secure.

Another security issue I noticed on artists' websites is that they posted their email. WARNING: 
Do not post your email online. Bots will capture your email and send you unsolicited email. Instead, provide a link to an email program or have a contact form instead.

Is your website working for you? Is it establishing the web presence and visibility for your work?  If you can't be found on the internet, do you even exist?  Well, not much in the commerce and visibility of the web.   


PS. Are you guessing about the ideal size for images on social networks? Here  is a guide for Social media image sizes in 2017

ASK Harriete Featured on Typepad

Pinterest red PSuper excited to learn that ASK Harriete is being featured on Typepad for the way this information for the arts and crafts community is also posted on Pinterest.

If you are on Pinterest....look for me there!

Share ASK Harriete Pins and become a resource for your fellow artists and makers.  




This post was updated on December 11th, 2021.

Using Pinterest Link for Visibility and Vigilance to Monitor Your Images


Pinterest has a method to look at images pinned from your website or blog. It is very simple.

COPY this link shown below and insert your website or blog address instead of the yellow text: 


For example; to look at the images pinned from my website the link looks like this: 


Why would anyone want to look at Pinterest images of their own work, website or blog?


By checking on these Pinterest results you could:

  • ask for proper attribution in the description
  • correct descriptions
  • see which images are most effective
  • gauge interest in a body of work
  • ask for the image to be removed (if you object to your work on Pinterest)
  • contact the poster - (maybe they would like to buy your work, and talking to the artist is all they need to be engaged for a purchase)


Keep in mind that you need a Pinterest account to contact the pinner or leave a comment.


"Stupefying Spells," Social Networking, Recommendations and Reviews

YELPSeveral articles about false Yelp reviews have been in the news recently. In one article in Fortune & Money, A New York sting operation caught businesses paying for positive ratings on recommendation websites. This is not the only example. The evening news covered a 17 year old girl writing reviews for a fee. What happened to honest opinions?

Mondrian inspired cookies and cake
that my daughter and I made last

In another scenario, some restaurants are offering free food, if you take a picture of food and post it on Instantagram. (The condition is that you must have 500 or more followers.)

My question? Is everything for sale? Are we going to barter our way to gluttony and sell our souls for a pastry?

Untitled-2Today this email arrived from LinkedIN:
"Dear Harriete Estel,
I'm sending this to ask you for a brief recommendation of my work that I can include in my LinkedIn profile. If you have any questions, let me know.

Thanks in advance for helping me out."

At first I felt like I'd been hit with something like a "stupefying spell" from Harry Potter.  Though I am aware of this person's jewelry - having seen it twice - I have never seen more than a couple of pieces. How should  I respond? Is this the foundation for a recommendation if we have never worked together? What would you do?

Being immersed in social networking is not enough depth to seek recommendations from people they don't even know personally. Will someone ask for the metaphorical five star review for their art or craft after a Like?

Continue reading ""Stupefying Spells," Social Networking, Recommendations and Reviews" »

Whispering When I Have Lost My Voice

Once a year, it seems, I completely lose my voice due to laryngitis after a cold.  It has taught me a valuable lesson. When I whisper, people whisper back.  Even if I'm angry, my whispered words are repaid with a whispered response.  In other words, whispering eliminates the possibility of escalating a difficult situation beyond a whisper.

HarrietelipsI think that this idea could be applied to many situations, especially with online discussions that can easily be misunderstood.  Whispering causes me to stop and think how to say what needs to be said as simply and clearly as possible. This "stop and think" mode also causes me to remove the emotional or extreme reactions.  I realize that listening to the other person enables me to shape my comments to address their concerns, not just mine.

It works for me.  I'd love to hear your comments or suggestions.


Rude, Insulting, Closed Minded, Uncivil, Angry, Aggressive

Rude, Insulting, Closed Minded, Uncivil, Angry, Aggressive

Rude Online Behavior
For some months, I have been appalled by the name calling, swearing, belligerent, and deliberately inflammatory comments that often arise in online discussions.
The bitterness, rancor, devaluation, and harsh judgements appear in multiple locations, and in different networks.

Be-Good-Randy-CohenRandy Cohen in his book BE GOOD observed that a "savage response" solidifies disagreement, makes enduring enemies, changes nobody’s thinking, garners no dinner invitations."

Cohen continues: "And so eventually I forsook the pleasure of the punch-up for another strategy: a  soft answer turneth away wrath.”
He says: “I began ignoring the tone of even the angriest e-mails and responding courteously to the sense of it. Just as an experiment. Often, even the author of a barbarous e-mail would then reply politely. Sometimes he’d apologize for his initial intemperance. My first, unworthy, thought, I’d hit upon a cunning way to make my tormentor feel guilty while I seized the moral high ground. Brilliant!”

“My second thought was to recall that Lincoln had invoked something similar in March of 1861, in his First Inaugural Address, in regard to a vastly graver conflict, urging “Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection,” and appealing to “the better angels of our nature.” Even for something as modest as an e-mail [or online] argument, that’s excellent advice.

Endorsement is not necessary, but  if you agree with this post about online discussion etiquette consider sharing it on your social network, adding your own ideas in the comments, or adopting it as your policy.

ChamberpotwithheadofnapoleonPotUPDATE: Brigitte Martin recently wrote a post on Crafthaus about a parallel topic titled: Feeling Superior Does Not Help With Anything.

Martin says: "I don’t know about you, but I am sick and tired of the unmerciful, self-anointed experts on either end of the spectrum who think nothing of dragging someone else down publicly and having their buddies cheer them on to boot. This is called bullying in my book and it really has to stop!" 

Read her entire post by clicking on the title above.

Twitter and Facebook are now taking proactive approaches to bullying. A 2012 article on the Huffington Post says, "Are you surprised to learn that 15,000 bullying-related tweets are posted daily?"   Twitter now has a Twitter Help Center to report Online Abuse.

A previous post was a review of the book: BE GOOD- Ethical decisions & advice


To let your work "speak for itself," someone needs to be "listening."

"If a tree falls in a forest, and no one hears it,  . .  ?"

If you held an exhibition for your artwork and no one came, how can your work "speak for itself?"  So of course, invitations, announcements, and other promotion efforts are necessary.

Similarly, if your art or craft work is simply posted online, does it automatically speak for itself?
How can the work speak for itself if no one can find it?


Google+ profile for Harriete Estel BermanThe potential audience out there on the Internet is just a crowd speeding past your website. How would they know to come to your website?   


FACEBOOKprofileThis is where social networking can play a larger role. Not only can people find your website by meeting you online, but social networking is now playing a significant role in SEO.

Search algorithms are looking at traffic and links from social networks as an indication of authority.

Thinking about joining a few social media sites is no longer an option.
Action is required.


GoogleimageOn the Internet, your images can't "speak for itself" until viewers come to see it.  Search engines have no vision. This is why your images also need:

CLICK on the links above if you don't know what I am talking about here. I continue to see images without the information required to attract anyone from that huge potential audience.  They need some choice words to make the connection.


"Purple Cow" Visibility . . . Yes, Yes, Yes,

Holstein-cows-on-fields.purpleStanding out from the herd, or "Purple Cow" visibility, is about finding and developing an audience outside your familiar pasture. By this I mean outside your comfort zone or outside your normal audience. It could be anything or anyplace but it is reaching beyond your usual audience to find visibility.

For me building purple cow visibility is an adventure...and being willing to take a few risks.  I can try just about anything for visibility once to see what happens (as long as it doesn't cost money). This is about finding those guerrilla marketing opportunities that are not obvious but might work.

In this post, I will share a recent "purple cow" example that I tried.

Colored Pencil Magazine featured a post about shipping (based on an archived ASK Harriete post). The article gave visibility to my name, website, blog, along with all the shipping information on ASK Harriete (not just the one post).

Colored-Pencil-cover-shipping-article ColoredPencilShippingColored Pencil Magazine was new to me, but the article included a link to my website and blog. This increased traffic.  And more traffic = higher search ranking for my site.

The next step is to leverage that first opportunity into another opportunity.

When the editor of "Colored Pencil" Magazine approached me about the shipping article,
I realized that he might also be interested in my installation from Pencils.  In subsequent communications, I reminded them again and included an image and a link to my website. This sculpture fabricated from pencils was a perfect purple cow for the magazine.  Magazines are always searching for interesting content for their readers.

Pick UP YOur Pencils, Begin is an installation from 1000's of pencils about the impact of standardized testing on education
They jumped on the suggestion and now the installation Pick Up Your Pencils, Begin will be a featured article in an upcoming issue of Colored Pencil Magazine.

Will this generate an exhibition opportunity? Who knows, but it might.  It sometimes takes years for exhibition opportunities to develop.

Pick Up Your Pencils, Begin an installation about standardized testing and its impact on education

If I have learned anything in years of experience,
it is to stretch for every opportunity. Have your photos ready because publishers always want them yesterday.

Pick Up Your Pencils, Begin is 28' wide and 15' tall constructed entirely from pencils.

Will the article result in sales? or money? One never knows, but this was not my priority.

Pick Up Your Pencils, Begin in progress
In my opinion, a purple cow opportunity can not be developed with a set expectation.
Having a fixed idea for the outcome does not work? The possibility is your objective.

How can you make this work for you?
Approaching Colored Pencil  Magazine would be a great opportunity for all those makers working in metal that use Prismacolor pencils for a surface finish. Or what if you use work with colored pencils as your medium in a sculpture, as an image in your ceramics, or in your prints.

If you study your work, what kind of "purple cow" visibility would fit your work? What is your new pasture for opportunity and visibility.

P.S. In case you want to purchase a copy of Colored Pencil Magazine CLICK HERE.

Don't Get Hurt by Black Hat BAD & UGLY

Bad-GUY-BLACK-HATcu In the "wild west" of the internet, search professionals AND Google refer to BAD & UGLY SEO practices as "black hat."

Black hat reminds us of the bad guy that wears a black hat in spaghetti westerns (as in this photo above left from the movie "The Good, Bad, and the UGLY").

Black hat in regards to SEO is a person or approach that tries to manipulate search results or computer security.

BadUgly72Google updates its search algorithms to identify BAD & UGLY BEHAVIORS and counters them in a variety of ways including lowered ranking or even removal from search results.

What scares me is that many artists and makers have been participating in behaviors (such as trading links or duplicate content) that search engines now consider black hat. Be prepared to avoid reduced page rank.

Here is a recent video from Google spokesperson, Matt Cutts titled,"What should we expect in the next few months in terms of SEO for Google?" .


 SEO RECOMMENDATIONS for Artists & Makers:

  • Use social media to develop your professional identity. If you are serious about your artistic future make deliberate business decisions.
  • LINKS need to be high quality authority TO your website or blog,  Focus on quality not quantity. I know this runs contrary to the friendly, supportive environment of social media, but personal is professional when it comes to your identity online. Read Jill Whalen's newsletter to understand the ramifications of your actions.
  • ADD "Rel=Author" to your website and blog. This starts with a Google + profile. It is an absolute must. ASK Harriete offers you step by step instructions. Use the free Google Rich Snippet Testing Tool to verify whether or not Google Authorship has been set up successfully
  • Image File Names are important for improved visibility. For artists and makers "a picture is worth a 1000 words" but not to search engines. Make sure every image works hard for your Internet visibility with unique titles, descriptions, tags, and keywords. 
  • Remove duplicate content from your website or blog. This includes duplicate page titles , duplicate meta descriptions, and even duplicate descriptions of similar items on your website. Search engines look at duplicate content as a SEO manipulation and 'black hat' practice. If you don't fix duplicate content on your website...the page may be removed from search results.
  • REALITYCHECKRemove any content you "copied" from other websites. This is also considered  "malicious" duplicate content and it will hurt your visibility in search engine results.



"Image File Names Improve SEO"

Today's post is about "Image File Names for Better SEO" (Search Engine Optimization). Effective file names are essential for artists and makers who want others to find their images on line. A few simple techniques can improve visibility for your work.  Here is an SlideShare presentation about naming files. 

The video will automatically forward the images with the original audio recording.  Just click on the "PLAY" arrow. 

REVIEW for Image File Names:

Use REALWords
    (No numerical code from your camera or computer.)

Use Keywords
that describe your image.

Use hypens -  betweeen words.

Avoid capital letters.

Let me know what you think of this presentation or this format, or tell me how to make this better. I just learned how to convert PowerPoint to video with a recorded audio file by listening to Making Video from PowerPoint Presentations.


4 TIPS to Improve Search for Your Images

Know your digital image file extensions and how to use them?

Best sizes for images and what format?

How to "name" your digital image files for distribution.


Know your digital image file extensions and how to use them? - See more at: http://askharriete.typepad.com/ask_harriete/2009/06/do-you-know-and-understand-your-digital-image-file-extensions-.html#sthash.xzA9zh4P.dpuf

Guide to Image Sizes for Social Media

Facebook-Harriete-estel-bermanLast week, I discovered a guide to images for social media titled: How to size images on social media: A cheat sheet. Usually it takes me multiple tries till I figure out what size image will  work...a huge waste of time. Next time, I will refer to this chart.

This cheat sheet is a super fantastic resource because it removes the trial and error in creating a fabulous background or header. An eye catching image is a great way to build visibility for your art or crafts creating a personal style across all platforms. For artists and makers this is absolutely essential!

Social Media Images Sizing Cheet Sheet

Leave a comment, if you would like to share a social media TIP or TRICK.

FacebooktwitterFlickrCrafthausLinkedINAboutME Pinterest Google+

Trading Links and Lies = Poor Performance

"You link to me, I link to you."  I've seen such requests to trade links frequently and everywhere.

Fine, great way to make friends, but bad news for your web site.
This is serious.

Lie detector rmachineThe reality is that Google is getting smarter about search. They can now figure out which links are relevant to your site, and which are not. Consequently, and with increasing accuracy, those superficial links that were merely traded are becoming more like little "white lies" -- and search engines are becoming more like lie detector machines.

There are three concepts to affect links:

  • Link Juice
  • Measure of credibility
  • Content

Link Juice leaking juiceLink Juice
"Link Juice" is an SEO concept. Think of your website as a container of juice. Links to other sites from your website essentially leak "link juice." This is especially true if the links are not perceived as relevant to the information presented. Thus a random link not relevant to your website is not working FOR your site.  Instead it is working against your site by draining or leaking "link juice."

Measure of credibility
Links to your site that are NOT relevant, important, or generating traffic are considered weak or bogus by Google. In fact, links to your site that are weak, not relevant or without authority may even have a negative impact on your website.

Links ideally should offer additional relevant content. Thus an article about fashionable hand knit scarves and current fashion trends that link to a knitter that makes fashionable hand knit scarves would be great. In this example, the content and link are relevant.

A link from your best friend who likes your work, but is otherwise unrelated, is not relevant content. A link like this may actually hurt your site as a weak leak and lacking authority. It could also hurt your best friend's site (because it is leaking their "link juice" as well).

In an age of information, search will become even more refined. Search will be more accurate. Search will discount superficial or fake links.

Lots of links to your site or from your site that are not relevant or content based information will not be considered credible. Trading links are like little white lies that just keep accumulating negative points.  Links should be about content and based on merit, not trading links.


  • Make sure your links are authentic and sincerely related to the content of your site.
  • Seek high quality links from relevant sites with high traffic.
  • Do NOT pay for links or trade links in the future.
  • Remove all weak or irrelvant links.

Below is a video from Google about links. Note that the speaker makes a specific reference to what Google calls organic links. The term "organic" (in regards to search) means naturally fitting into the context, not artificial.

Links need to relate to the content.
Links that you buy or share are not organic.
They will not help your SEO.
P.S. Do not look at any information or YouTube videos about link building from before mid-2012 when Google Panda and Penquin algorithms changed search.

Another video about links building.


Spam Comments Hurt Your Site

Crafting Better SE0 - Guide to SEO TOPICS on Metalsmith BenchTalk Whaley Studios

This post will be a summary of information and links to relevant posts discussed in the Jay Whaley interview on Blog Talk Radio "Crafting Better SEO."

Artist and makers can be the Webmaster of their own domain. There are many free tools AND easy fixes that can improve the visibility of your art or craft reaching a larger audience. Just knowing basic SEO (Search Engine Optimization) skills can make a difference in riding the long tail.

Understanding online tools is as important to the savvy artist as the paintbrush, scissors or saw. Improving web site performance and SEO increases the chance that your web site will be found by customers, collectors, curators, writer, stores or galleries.

The  information is organized by category or topic. Basic fix-its  and best practices are at the top.  More advanced skills are further down on the list. Just click on a link and start learning how to be a web master of your own domain.

Yes, this is too much work for one day...but try one post every other day, or one a week. Subscribe to ASK Harriete for more SEO information coming soon. Take small steps to the huge potential of the long tail.

Did you know Spam Comments Hurt Your Site?
Yes, this is true, for lots of reasons, but all you need to know is don't leave comments with spammy links. This post explains why.

Copyright_symbol2COPYRIGHT DATE
Your next "fix" is to make sure your website copyright is up to date
with New Day New Year 2013 Website Copyright. In addition to the legal protection copyright notice offers, no customer is going to feel comfortable buying from a site that looks like it hasn't been updated in years.

are the foundation of visibility for all artists and makers.
This is true for your entire online presence including 2.0 social networking sites along with your website and blog. It is incredibly important to do everything possible to give your art or craft the visibility it deserves.

Images files should be written for better SEO. Learn the 4 TIPS to Improve Search for Your Images .

Simple, Sensible, Sensational, SEO Improvements

Tag your it
Search Engines Have No Vision - Play TAG, Your IT - Create Tags for better SEO from 2.0 sites

Search Engines Have No Vision - SEO for 2.0 sites.

Search Engines Have No Vision! So Help SEO "SEE" Your Images

Images on your web site, Are they lost or found?

A URL is the address for each page on the web. Learn how to create the best URL for each page. Avoid URLMistakes I Have MADE   by reading this post.


Did you realize that site performance affects your visibility in search results and customer satisfaction.  Google uses 200 or more criteria, but one of their most important is speed in downloading the page, images, and original content. Artists and makers do not have to be professional level webmasters to make huge improvements in the function of their website.

Your Site Performance Improves SEO

Does Your HOME Page Load Quickly?

Google Guidelines For the Best Your Site Can Be


GoggleWebmasterToolsVerifying your website with Google Webmaster Tools is an important steps that everyone can do. These free tools reveal mistakes on your website that need to be fixed, and tons of information about keywords and links to your website.

Don't let all the information overwhelm you. Tackle one problem at a time. Learn about one skill set and apply it to your site....as you gain skill and familiarity.

Did You Register Your Web Site on Google Webmaster Tools?

Google Guidelines For the Best Your Site Can Be


SEO Success: Fix Those Duplicate Titles

Titles RULE - Title EVERY ONE of Your Website Pages Differently


The meta description is the information that shows up in the search results. It describes the information on each page. Create the meta description for better search results. Google Webmaster Short Meta Descriptions
REWRITE Short Meta Descriptions for SEO

Finding & Fixing Duplicate Meta Descriptions



Has Google found your site? Every page?

Create a Sitemap and Submit for Visibility

Create A Sitemap For Your Website Using a free 3rd Party Website

Artists: Submit Your Sitemap to Google


SubscribeSubscribe to ASK Harriete to learn how to become the webmaster of your own domain. More information is coming in the next few weeks.










Engage in the conversation.
Leave a comment.(Comments require approval so give me a few minutes to post it live.)

Artists, makers, jewelers, metalsmiths, crafts person or creators can benefit from increased visibility as search is refined and original content is more important.  Advances in search technology will also make images searchable in the future. All of these reasons and more make optimizing your images, blog and website more important than ever.

P.S. At the end of the program I mentioned three additional resources.

ASK Harriete posts on Search Engine Optimization for Artists and Craftspeople

GOOGLE Webmaster Videos on YOUTUBE


ASK Harriete RED lettering

CRAFTING Better SEO - online interview

ASK HarrieteBlueRedYellow.gr Stay tuned for "CRAFTING Better SEO for Artists, Makers and Metalsmiths"  -- Thursday (Jan. 31) at 3:00pm PST, this is one hour with Jay Whaley on Blog Talk Radio.

If you have been following the Search Engine Optimization for artists and crafts people series on ASK Harriete, this online interview will help get your website up to speed.

Scared to start SEO? Feeling overwhelmed, and out of touch? This information will get you started.

SEO  isn't that hard to do. We will start with basics and very easy skills to improve visibility for your work. Just knowing how to create file names for your images and website pages can make a huge difference.

Fundamental webmaster skills are well within your powers and can improve visibility for images, blogs or websites.

ASK QUESTIONS LIVE during the show in the chat room. My recommendation is to register with Facebook. It is much easier and more reliable as the Blog Talk Radio site can be temperamental. Don't' wait until the show....as you will miss the interview.

EMAIL ME AT: harriete [at] sbcglobal.net


After the show there will be an ASK Harriete post with links to the topics we mentioned for follow up  & review.


Facebook Business v.s. Personal Page for Artists, Makers or Craft Business

J.Diemer.Gothic Spire Cage Cropped Web
Gothic Birdcage © 2012
Stainless steel, glass, copper
Artist: Joe Diemer    4' ht x 2' depth

Dear Harriete,

My art business on Facebook is named "J Diemer Artisanry", and it is a page off of my main Facebook account "Joe Diemer". When setting it up it seemed Facebook wanted businesses and interests to be on a page, not the main name, but I've since seen many other artists just use their name - which makes an easy connection for others to find your work when you comment etc.

J.Diemer.Gothic Spire Cage Detail Interior Spire Web

I've now got 178 followers on the J Diemer Artisanry page so I don't want to rock the boat, but wonder if it would be better in the long run to consolidate the two identities. What's your opinion? Convoluted problem!
Take care,
Joe Diemer

I struggle with the same question….but decided years ago to just use my name, Harriete Estel Berman as my Facebook presence. It has been impractical to clarify that the "artist Harriete Estel Berman" is different than the personal profile of Harriete Estel Berman.

Below are a few considerations that may factor into your decision.


Is your Facebook profile really private? Not in my opinion. Even if your "Privacy" setting is Friends, or Friends of Friends I don't consider this private. Private on the internet is an oxymoron, but these other privacy settings do offer an allusion to privacy, and thus your Facebook page is NOT searchable. 

An important proviso is that my Facebook profile setting is "public". That means everyone can see my Facebook page. It is also the only way that Google can crawl my Facebook profile page and fetch the links to my website, ASK Harriete or posted content.

A personal facebook address can be your name. A Facebook profile can also match, more or less, with all your other social networking profiles with a variation of the same name. For example, my facebook URL http://www.facebook.com/harriete.estel.berman
is similar to my other social network URLs on LinkedIN, Flickr, and Crafthaus creating consistency across 2.0. platfoms

All Facebook comments lead back to my Harriete Estel Berman Facebook profile.

A limit on friends. The downside with using my personal profile as professional is that there is supposed to be a limit on the number of friends....but, I will deal with that problem later (3,000 "friends" so far).

Can you effectively manage a Facebook business page? A Facbook business pages is essentially another site. It doesn't do much good to have a Facebook business page without activity and regular posting with original content just like a blog. I don't know about you, but I am on internet overload already.  There is no way to stretch beyond my website, blog and other social network.

Does a Facebook business profile offer the visibility you want for the effort? A great point of debate. As far as I can tell Facebook visibility only extends to Facebook, so investing time in other social platforms and SEO for your website are equally or perhaps more important.

The PROBLEM with closing a business page:
I don't know what you will do with all your followers if you close your business page. Practically speaking there is no way to consolidate your personal profile with the Facebook business pages other than just inviting your followers to be your friends.

If you are going to use your personal Facebook page as your public profile, CHANGE YOUR PRIVACY SETTING to PUBLIC and behave accordingly.

For me, there is no separation between personal and professional
. Only a limited amount of my private life is on Facebook for this reason. This is mostly a reflection of my workaholic focus. My profession as an artist, is also my passion as a person.




Names, Names, What's in a name?

What's in a Name? Is Your Artist Identity LOST or FOUND in a sea of names?

To be or not to be a FAN on Facebook? That is the question.

Any Tips for an Effective User Name?

Capricciole © 2012
stainless steel, glass, copper
Artist: Joe Diemer

A reader asks:
Do you have any tips for coming up with an effective Instagram user name?
I don't know much about Instagram but feel that it may be a good business move. I make elegant household accoutrements such as birdcages in stainless steel wire.





Here are what seem (to me) to be my options:

  • My name, "JoeDiemer", which is available.
  • My clunky business name "JDiemerArtisanry", which is also my Facebook page name - continuity.
  • A descriptor of what I do: "Handmade Birdcages", which is also my website name - again continuity. (Unfortunately I named my site back when I mostly made birdcages. Now I make many different things.)
  • Or another descriptor such as "Wireworker".

J.Diemer-HingeSo it boils down to:

  1. My name
  2. My business name
  3. What I do

What's your opinion? Thanks for your excellent blog and artwork!
Take care,
Joe Diemer


Thanks for your question.

My professional recommendation is the following priorities:

  1. Consistency across all platforms (best as possible).
  2. Using your name as your artist identity.

Consistency across all social networking, 2.0, and photo sharing is sometimes challenging depending on the number of characters allowed or the format. Just do the best you can.

Using your name as the artist identity will be the least likely to change over the years, building momentum across media and with different occasions like interviews, conference lectures, workshops, teaching positions, work included in books, magazines, or blog platforms.

Facebook and LinkedIn and many other social networks actually allow for a unique URL based on the person’s name.  If you have a common name try a middle name, middle initial or some kind of special moniker.

Having a URL that is consistent with your name is  a desirable option across all platforms. Creating a consistent identity across platforms is important. 

Using your name in the URL is also consistent with Google Webmaster Guidelines and SEO of the future.

2.0 specifics &  URL examples:

A dash between each word of your name is better than all one words, but this may not be possible on some social networks. Do not use a underscore between words as it is very often missed when a hot link is underlined.

As an illustration below is a list of a few of my social networks.  There is some variation depending on the limitations of each site, but you will see that I have created a reasonably consistent identity across platforms

Etsy http://www.harrieteestelberman.etsy.com


Aboutme http://about.m/HarrieteEstelBerman

Google + https://profiles.google.com/HarrieteEstelBerman/about

Flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/harriete-estel-berman/

crafthaus http://crafthaus.ning.com/profile/HarrieteEstelBerman

LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/in/harrieteestelberman

My twitter profile name is not as good because they didn't allow a long URL.  http://www.twitter.com/harrietee . Sometimes I am forced to go with the harrietee version of my name. Very few people spell Harriete with an "e" on the end.

P.S. If readers have another idea, please share your point of view. Is there something that isn't considered that you can add to the conversation?

Related articles
Avoid URL Mistakes I Have MADE
Creating, Connecting, Community
Facebook Business v.s. Personal Page for Artists, Makers or Craft Business

The Final Step for Rel=Author

Adding Rel="author" to your website or blog takes several steps and it is confusing....this is why I broke it up into several posts. It takes multiple steps to make rel="author" work, but the outcome is improved visibility and credibility as the author or artist for the content on your site. Go back to the previous posts if you missed a step.

We are at the final step Link your Google+ profile to the content you create.

You need to submit your email address to Google Webmaster.

For my web site it was easy. My email address matches my web site. (this is illustrated below.)
WEBSITE: http://www.harriete-estel-berman.info
E-MAIL:   bermaid [at] harriete-estel-berman.info

I just put my email in the box on this page and I was done verifying authorship (shown below.)
Google rel author bermaid

For my blog it was much more complicated since my email does not match my blog address. I clicked on the Google link that says: Use this method to link your content to your Google+ profile)

Look for the instructions shown below....or click on the picture for instructions.

Google rel-author-blog-option

Create a link to your Google+ profile from your webpage, like this:
  <a href="[profile_url]?rel=author">Google</a>

Replace [profile_url] with the your Google+ profile URL, like this:

  <a href="https://plus.google.com/106331966149937206693

That is one choice. I also added a link to my Google+ profile in the left column on my blog.

Another option is to add a link to my ABOUT page and/or at the bottom of every blog post. This was a suggestion from the Jill Whalen article and it worked.

I found that my search results for my name changed with a couple of days, it can take longer.

Related articles

The First 3 Steps to ADDING Rel=Author to Your Sites

Did you watch the Google video in the previous post about rel="author"?

The important nugget is that for every website or blog you need to add Re="Author". I am going to review the first 3 steps all discussed in a previous post.

Google Plus for Harriete Estel BermanSTEP 1.
You must have a Google + profile.
No getting around this. It is a must. Google is not going to give up trying to push its own social network. It doesn't mean you have to be active on it all the time, but you have to have a Google + profile.

UNDER YOUR Google + PROFILE  information:  Add all your websites or blog in the  Contributor section.

SUPER Important STEP 3.
Add the following code to your website or blog.

<a href=" http://your blog/about.html" rel="author">your name</a>

<a href="http:// http://www.yourwebsite.com/page.html rel="author"> your name </a>

Below are my examples:

Now every time I sign my blog I add my rel="author" code to the HTML of my post as my signature.

  • The HTML code looks like this: <a href=" http://askharriete.typepad.com/about.html" rel="author">Harriete Estel Berman</a>
  • The rel="author" signature looks like this:

My signature now links to the "about" page on my blog and tells Google search who I am. I used the "about.html" because my Typepad has an "about" page. (The link is in the left column below my profile picture. Maybe your blog has an "about" page or something similar?


On my website....I linked to my resume* page....because that is where I put the link to my Google profile.  (*Just so you understand...I used my resume page on my website...because I don't have an "about" page on my website.)

  • My resume URL is this:  http://www.harriete-estel-berman.info/resume/resume.html (this example uses the URL for my previous website)
  • The code looks like this: <a href="http:// http://www.harriete-estel-berman.info/resume/resume.html" rel="author"> Harriete Estel Berman </a>
  • The rel="author" signature on my resume page looks like this: Harriete Estel Berman

ADAPT THE CODE to your own circumstances, changing the URLs as appropriate.

There is one more step.
This is the next post.

Artist Author on Your Website in Meta Tags

 Jill Whalen, my website SEO guru wrote a post titled "6 Reasons Why You Need to Use Rel=Author on Your Content"

She says, "If you are not already using rel="author" (or don't even know what it is), you are doing a huge disservice to your website and all of your online marketing efforts. I heartily suggest reading this article ASAP, but more than that – implement it already!"

Google AUTHOR results for Harriete Estel Berman

Jill Whalen offers helpful instructions in her article. 

I recommend reading both the Google Webmaster instructions supplemented with the Jill Whalen article.

COMBINED together
 they reduce the confusion. More tips are coming on ASK Harriete...but start by reading the information.

I managed to add rel="author" to my blog and website.
You can too!

The rel="author" options reflect the future of the internet.  You can either jump on the train and gain momentum with search engine visibility or you can sit in your studio, quiet as a mouse.

BrainexerciseExercise your brain
with these new SEO skills.

Engage in the conversation.
Leave a comment. (Comments require approval so give me a few minutes to post it live.)

Related articles

GOOGLE + Profile is a Rel="author" MUST!

GoogleiconA Google + profile is a must for all artists and makers.
This has nothing to do with whether you want to participate in another social network. Google+ is a tool, just like any other in your studio.

Google Plus for Harriete Estel Berman

Even if Google+ may never be the Facebook it wants to be, Google is making Google+ an internet networking obligation because (as mentioned in the previous post) Google is connecting your Google+ profile to search results.

Google is connecting search to your Google + profile with  Rel="author" HTML code.

Google AUTHOR results

If you want improved visibility for your website or blog in search results, put the rel="author" in the HTML for your website and blog.  I know that sounds challenging but it is within your skill set as a webmaster of your own domain.

GoogleiconThe first step is creating a Google + profile (if you haven't done this already) and completing your profile information.

MOST IMPORTANT, under Contributor...  (scroll down to find Contributor in your Google + profile)...
GOOGLE+ PROFILE contributor ASK Harriete and Harriete Estel Berman

ADD your website and blog under the Contributor heading as your first step to adding Rel="Author" for improved search results. Tomorrow's post will take you through the next steps.

P.S. I also recommend adding all your other social networks to your profile.  (An example is shown below.)

Google+ profile LINKS for Harriete Estel Berman

Are YOU the rel=AUTHOR of your Website?

The internet of the future is about authenticity and original content. This is why Google wants to know if you are the real author of your website or blog.

This is written as rel="author" in the HTML code and is one of the new (beta) criteria that Google search is using for determining search results.
  Google Plus Profile for Harriete Estel Berman
It could be seen as a way for Google to push its Google + social network (my old Google+ profile is shown above).  Or it could be an effort by Google to screen for spammy sites on the internet.

The impact:
Since Google controls a huge percentage of search results....either you participate on the internet by their rules, or you risk poor placement in search results.

Google plus iconThe positive side is being up to date on current and future trends in search can boost the visibility of your art or craft.

Google Webmaster Tools (now Google Search Console) provides instructions to LINK your Google + profile to the content you create on your website or blog.

Google Authorship Link Instructions.

Watch this video from Google.

KnightAbsorb the information and consider what Google is trying to accomplish with this approach. Keep in mind that this is the future of the internet and should be a strategic part of your internet planning.  

Since the publication of this post, Google has continued to value rel=author and your Google+ profile.
 If you want your content to be found in search results a Google+ authorship is a must. 

"Authorship is also going to put a greater emphasis on high-quality content so that authors that write higher-quality content are more likely to have their authorship with image displayed."

The Google lady makes it sound so easy to verify the rel="author" of your content. It is not. I stumbled around for days...but ultimately have been successful in confirming rel= "author" status on my website and blog.

Below are the current search results for my name with the addition of rel="author" to my sites.
Google AUTHOR results for Harriete Estel Berman

GoogleaAUTHORresultsNote that my Google + profile automatically is shown on the right side of the search results.




Looking more closely at the search results (shown below) you see a small gray silhouette icon next to the entry.
Google AUTHOR results  for Harriete Estel Berman

The silhouette icon is next to search results for posts or entries with verified authorship. To add rel="author" to your sites you need to verify your site(s) with Google Webmaster Tools. 

As stated in the video, verifying your website on Google Webmaster Tools does not impact search, but fixing mistakes on your website (that Google Webmaster Tools helps you find) will improve your website performance and improve your visibility in the future.

 Goggle Webmaster Tools

If you have not yet verified your website or blog with Google Webmaster Tools (now Google Search Console) this is highly recommended for improving performance and search. Did You Register Your Web Site on Google Webmaster Tools? will help you step by step. It is worth the effort. These internet skills build on one another. 

The next posts will help you link your Google + profile to the content you create.

Did You Want A Facebook Email? Change it Back!

FacebookFacebook just removed everyone's email address from their profile and replaced it with an @facebook.com email address without asking you.

If you are trying to create visibility and an identity for your website by using your website email address, this sneaky move by Facebook defeats your purpose. 

Fixing this is easy...but only if you know how. I must have stared at the pop-up window for 10 minutes before I gave up....and looked for instructions online.

Facebookprofile6.12Here are quick step-by-step instructions to change your @facebook email BACK to your preferred email address.

Facebook11. Go to your Facebook Profile.


2. Click on the "Update Info" button.



3. SCROLL DOWN the page to the "Contact Info".








FACEBOOK34. Click on the Edit.


5. Click on the circle next to your Facebook email address and change its setting to "Hidden from Timeline".

FACEBOOOK-46. Click on the circle next to your other email addresses and change their settings to "Shown On Timeline".

FACEBOOK67. Scroll Down to the "Save Changes" button at the bottom of the Edit popup. Don't forget this step or your changes will not be made!

Find me on Facebook! Be my friend on Facebook.

What Should Trunk Show Promotion Look Like?

TrunkshowmodifiedThe 2nd Annual Trunk Show is coming up at the SNAG Conference in Phoenix.  Lots of potential...

Every situation can be an opportunity and I always want to maximize the potential outcomes.   PushFlower

But is a collective effort to "PUSH" an event appropriate?

I wonder what would happen if everyone in the Trunk Show promoted the event?

 What if the Trunk Show participants created their own whirlwind of visibility for the event and for each other?

NoCredit72AH800What if we, everyone attending, posted an image of the Trunk Show poster on our Facebook pages or websites? Click Here for the Trunk Show Banner.

What if we were all asked for an image of new work to create a new Trunk Show poster or online catalog?

What if the local television news came to cover the event? Headline; "World renown artists and makers coming to Phoenix" could be "big news," but only if the news station finds out.

Monopoly Electric Flower Pin © 2012
recycled tin cans, sterling silver,
Artist: Harriete Estel Berman
These flowers will be available at the
SNAG Trunk Show or online.

I don't think that the metal arts community suffers from too much success, but it looks like we aren't really good at making ourselves into "big news".



This post was updated on March 17, 2022, to provide current links.

There is Still Time & Space to Prepare for Success

Are you looking for direction on your path to success?

Where do you want your work to go? What insights would you like to gain from my 30+ years of experience?  

Is your work consistent with your marketing? Are your images good enough to get you free publicity? Are your short-term and long-term goals an effective compass for success?

On April 28 & 29th, I taught a professional development workshop
at Revere Academy as part of their Masters Symposium in San Francisco, CA.

This is one of many workshops I have taught on this topic, but as times have changed, in so many ways they stay the same.  

One fact I can share that is still true and relevant. You must have a website.  Social media, and fabulous photography are only a beginning.

A website is more important than ever. 

Prepare for Success

Map of San FranciscoInternet Option
If you can't travel to San Francisco, Revere Academy is offering online participation at the amazing price of $79. It would be nice to see you in person, but if you need to stay at home while juggling the rest of your life, this is a way to listen in on your computer.

LCD-MonitorHBWebinar participants will be able to view the instructor and Powerpoint presentations in real-time via their computer, as well as submit their own questions and images for review by the instructor, much like the students who attend the class in San Francisco. Because this is the first time Revere has offered a webinar class, the $79 is a special, one-time introductory price for the class.

Webinar participants are required to have a computer with a high-speed internet connection. To register for the webinar, call 415-391-4179.

MOO Business cards with images of artwork, jewelry and Judaica by Harriete Estel Bermand  ocardsHORIZONTAL72Appropriate for all media, this two-day intensive workshop with Harriete Estel Berman will provide tons of information to supercharge your professional development and gain from my 30 years of experience.

Learn how to use the power of social networking, blogs, and websites to develop visibility and get your work noticed. Other topics will include maintaining proper records for the IRS, managing inventory, how to update your resume, and evaluating and upgrading your photos.

We can cover anything you want.  Your questions can guide the topics to be covered. 

Follow Me on Pinterest
Here are some suggestions for topics:

Professional Development resources

Your 20 second commercial

Guidelines for a critique group

Identify your business model.

Establish Your Professional Goals
   Define Objective
   Define Success
   Are your objectives and definition of success consistent?
   How do you expect to achieve your objectives?
   Define your market.

Pricing and fabrication methods.
   Pricing Structure
   Falcher Fusager’s Pricing Formula (for jewelry)
   Comparative Pricing
   Include your Overhead
   Cost of goods sold
   Pricing Concepts.

Inventory Record Form
   Inventory Records:  Documentation and Provenance
   Hallmark or sign your work

Digital Image Package
   Label examples
   Image description sheet
   All prints and digital files information.

Resume vs. CV
   Resume categories

Artist Statement Recommendations
   Artist Statement Tips
   Artist Statement with description
   Envelope for your package


Emails and social networking

Strategies for juried opportunities

Publicity and Marketing 100+ ideas
   Book recommendation
   Pitch letter
   Mailing List strategy
   Thank you

   Minimum order for wholesale
   Return Policy

Delivery of work in person
   Shipping – One of a kind work
   Unpacking & Display instructions
     To Display
     Packing and Shipping
     Maintenance Instructions

Profit or Loss?
     What are your options?
     Do you act like a business?
     Expense record examples.
     3 rules to test deductibility
     Time & Effort?
     Track record
     Record of sales
     Do you act like a business?  I.R.S.

COPYRIGHT & Fair use

        Website resources
        Web what you need to do and why
        Blogs - blogosphere
        Basic SEO to implement

Any Questions: Contact me directly
harriete [at] sbcglobal.net


Email Marketing Seppuku

Seppuku is a form of Japanese ritual suicide performed in front of spectators. I don't want to go into the gory details, but it is self-induced and fatal. It is an apt metaphor for this recent email marketing attempt shown below. 
As my son would say, "fail."  The email was obviously sent out to a large number of people. There was no text in the email, no helpful subject line, no hello in the body, no "how do you do." My name was also spelled wrong. 

It was as rude as it gets. Even worse this email with no explanation had files and links attached:

  •  5 html links
  • 12 htm links
  •  4 JPGs  (without titles)
  •  7 MB of PDFs

Whatever happened to a personal note? An introduction?

Seppuku-J._M._W._SilverIf it is spam, good riddance.  If it is someone's attempt to mass market, it is an example of social media marketing suicide.


I won't open it and would strongly recommend anyone else to not open such an email.


I wrote to the person asking why he sent such an "oblique" email message. Above was his reply with spelling errors and no further explanation.

Needless to say, the impression did not improve.


This post was updated on February 27, 2023

Commission Question and Publishing on Facebook

Debra Montgomeray copper reliefodgeHi Harriete:
I just delivered a large commission for a customer - my first commission through an art consulting firm. It was for a celebrity / well-known TV personality. My portfolio is obviously my means of representing my work. However, I was told I could not publish on my website or Facebook, etc., any photos of this piece until they publish it first, either on the designer's website or they are working on getting the home featured in Architectural Digest or another magazine such as that. However, this could take up to 6 months.

Debra Montgomery Copper commissionWhat are your thoughts on artists' rights to publishing images of their own work, etc?

I realize that having my work possibly in a magazine is worthy as well, but if that doesn't happen, I have missed out on 6 months of potential exposure and possible similar work.

I have never been asked this before so I don't want to make a big deal out of it, but what do you think?

Is there anything I can add to my commission contracts in the future to protect myself on this issue in the future? I have attached some photos of a large piece I did a couple of years ago that is similar in nature.
Debra Montgomery

Did you have a commission contract? These issues (if they are important to you or important to the client) should have been specified in the contract.  Contracts help clarify expectations.  Clear communication with the client is most important.

They are asking you to hold off, which may make you lose some opportunities during this period, but they are offering some significant potential as well.  So it sounds more like a business decision.  If you really think that they can get your work in a major magazine (like Architectural Digest), I'd give them time. Your work will still be fresh to new eyes in 6 months.

Legally, if this request is not specified in the contract, you can do as you please.  However, if you publish now despite their requests, you might gain a reputation of being uncooperative.  On the other hand, if they unreasonably string you along for months and months (beyond six months), they would lose credibility and I would get back on track with your images on Facebook and elsewhere. 

In the meantime, can you make another piece to promote or blog about other aspects of this commission? Are you allowed to talk about working with this client? Or can you discuss ideas and the experience that you had with this type of high-profile commission (not naming names of course.) Perhaps you would like to write about doing a celebrity commission and the pros and cons. Lots of people would love to hear about your experience. (I could publish some of this on ASK Harriete so other people can learn from your experience.)

In preparing for future commissions, it is close to impossible to anticipate everything.  Each commission will be different when we are working with new clients, new commissions, and different circumstances. Each time we hope to learn a little more from the experience.

Even in the one-of-a-kind exhibition world, the work may be finished for months, even 6 months in advance, before the exhibition opens and promotion for the show begins. Usually, the artists can talk about the work, but many times it is worth waiting.  When the exhibition opens, there is much more publicity coming from many different sources all creating momentum for the work in the exhibition, the exhibiting artists, and attendance in the exhibition.

I think the speed of our daily lives and the Internet makes us think that promotion has to happen the second our work is finished. This is a misleading concept. You will have months to promote the work. If the work is really good, it may become your signature work included in books, magazines, and blogs for years to come.

If anyone else has an opinion about this topic, please leave a comment.


PS  Thanks for sharing.

This post was updated on March 12, 2022, to provide current links.
DMCOPPERmasonic lodge4
"Weeping Virgin"  by Debra Montgomery 2009       3' x 4'  

Professional Development Information - Live, Online, and In Person

Yikes"Pencil in" professional development to boost your career with free information.  Two opportunities, the first, an ONLINE interview, and the second, an in-person discussion in SAN FRANCISCO.

Andy Cooperman, Harriete Estel Berman, and Brigitte Martin in conversation took place on Thursday, April 5th, on ‘Metalsmith BenchTalk on BlogTalkRadio’ with Jay Whaley.
Audience members can listen to the archived podcast.

San Francisco
PROFESSIONAL PRACTICES: Questions and Commentary with Andy Cooperman and Harriete Estel Berman  
Monday, April 16, 2011.
(More information below.)


The details:

BlogtalkradioONLINE podcast with Cooperman,  Brigitte Martin, and me, Harriete Estel Berman as we open pandora's box of shipping problems and solutions. Originally broadcast on Thursday, April 5th we discuss the upcoming shipping topic for the Professional Development Seminar that will be held during the SNAG Conference.




SNAGlogoThe 2011 SNAG Professional Development Seminar program can be viewed online at any time. The original PPT slides with audio as presented at the 2010 Conference have had over 22,000 views! The program from 2010 has had nearly 10,000 views.! Find the podcasts and handouts with presentations on the SNAG website.


Professional Practices in San Francisco
GuestArtistSeries2012v2.72Professional Practices with Andy Cooperman and Harriete Estel Berman included a short presentation by Andy and myself. Then we will jump right into questions and answers by asking each other a couple of tough questions about the "road to success".

This event occurred on Monday, April 16th at the Academy of Art University
sponsored by the Academy of Art and the San Francisco Metal Arts Guild. 

This program was videotaped and will be available as a video presentation online....so check back, and I will let you know how to find it.


This post was updated on March 12, 2022.

Skill Set Needed to Run, Run, Run a Kickstarter Project?

After trying a KICKSTARTER project ....I've realized that there are specific skills needed to run a successful Kickstarter. PENCILbikeCoasterRED_72vertical.green

I found an article that I should have read before starting. It is a great guide for anyone considering their own Kickstarter.  

"7 Things to Consider BEFORE you Launch your Kickstarter Project" by Nathaniel Hansen.

Hansen says: "If you’re looking for Kickstarter advice, ... this article should answer any questions you might have about how to run an effective campaign." 

Hansen says he has helped projects "...featured all over the web, from Wired to CNN, spurred along by social media engines like Twitter and Facebook and an army of fans. Two projects are in the Kickstarter top 20, one is in the top 5 (most donated), and one recently earned a 2010 Kickstarter award."

Pencil Symposium students discussing standardized testingHe tells it like it is and I believe he is right. This article reveals that a great story is paramount, along with advocates & evangelists who will promote your project with an unceasing, unrelenting regularity to everyone you know with every possible vehicle asking for help through Facebook, Twitter, press releases, blogs, magazines, television, i.e. everything.

Testing Pencil from Autistic student taking a standardized testA Kickstarter campaign requires a HUGE INVESTMENT OF TIME and a lot of great writing with aggressive marketing.

It helps a lot if your project is aligned with the interests of the Kickstarter audience
(mostly young adults) who spend a lot of time online (such as gamers or zine fans). 

The audience for your Kickstarter project should be comfortable with social media. Arriving on Kickstarter for the first time in shock  -- like my father -- is not helpful.

Can you blog and write about your project constantly?

You will need either viral marketing to propel your project or a huge social network.

Does your Kickstarter project offer a reward with a retail value equal to the contribution to Kickstarter?

I jumped into Kickstarter with a noble goal and naive optimism.  Noble goals alone don't go very far on Kickstarter. 

This post was updated on March 12, 2022.

Flickr is a Tool for Kickstarter (is dead.)

Kickstarter is just like all the other social networking sites.
...each one has formatting tricks to learn. The HELP menu on Kickstarter is kind of confusing and not comprehensive.  It took me days to figure out how to add images to my "story". The secret was.....FLICKR in 2012. This had changed.

In the "story" option for your Kickstarter project, there is a place to insert an image, Update March 2022: Kickstarter now allows you to upload images directly to their site. You can learn more about this feature HERE.

 A lot of this post was deleted because time changes. The biggest problem these days is keeping up with current trends and technology.  

Doing a Kickstarter project the first time is a real challenge.  There is so much to learn to create a successful project but it seems there are people that do repeat Kickstarter projects (one person I found had founded 72 projects)! 

This post was updated on February 27 2023 

FACEBOOK Personal Profile goes Professional on KICKSTARTER

My experience using KICKSTARTER to finance a future video continues to be a revelation on many levels. The learning curve is demanding.

At the time that I wrote this post, one KICKSTARTER requirement is that you MUST link to your Facebook personal profile, not your business page. Yes, indeed, your Facebook Personal Profile is now professional as well. Keeping up with Internet technologies is always a challenge. 


This is what KICKSTARTER says:

"If you're a creator, it's a great way to let backers know a little bit more about you. It doesn't mean you have to accept random friend requests or make your entire profile public, but it's an easy way to show backers you're a real person. You can also adjust the privacy settings of your Facebook account to better control what new visitors see."

FACEBOOKprofileYour Facebook personal profile needs to be managed
as if you were cautioning your teenage son or daughter about what to post online. Everything seems to be moving to a level of transparency in the Internet community. Control of your privacy starts with what you post. And Facebook is never particularly private despite "privacy settings."

Recently, I heard that employers are asking for Facebook profile passwords. In other words, they want to "see all" about their prospective employees. While of course, you could say "no," if you wanted a job in this tough economy, wouldn't you say "yes?"

FacebookMy decision long ago was to keep my Facebook personal profile as a professional page. Everything posted on my Facebook is what I want everyone to see because privacy on the Internet is non-existent. 

Facebook is a great tool,      I participate on many platforms as a tool, but I make decisions about who to "friend."  I no longer accept anyone as a "friend" if they don't make art or craft or participate in the arts and crafts in some way. 


This post was updated on February 27, 2023 

Reevaluating Life - Get $h!+ Done

Pencil Master My March 2012 experiment with Kickstarter was a real awakening, a roller coaster ride on the learning curves of two new worlds -- entering an unfamiliar social networking domain of the internet's long tail, and the world of documentary video production.

Harriete laughing at Reception3.22.124x6.72Combined with the unfolding exhibition of Pick Up Your Pencils, Begin, these events and revelations have caught me up in a whirlwind of thoughts and impressions.  After a 4+ year odyssey of fabrication, I am reflecting on a post from Chase Jarvis titled "Hit List: 13 Things Crucial For Your Success [In Any Field]".  I recommend reading every word.

Chase's #1 tip is "Get Shit Done".

For four years, I felt like I was limping along on the pencils. I couldn't work on it every day.  Shows came up that needed new works to be made.  Making work to sell gets in the way. Life gets in the way.  But I'd force myself to work on it every chance I could.

Interesting pencilsAnd I would torture myself as well.  Making a sculpture 28 feet wide and 15 feet tall from pencils is ridiculous! How will it look? Will it hang as planned? Will it ever get done? A combination of the simplest of art media - a pencil, a little thoughtful engineering, and tedious hours of assembly.  But the vision of a hand-crafted work to carry a message that the arts have a value and place in education AND that standardized testing has become overemphasized in education kept me going.

I naively started the Kickstarter project and already learned an enormous amount.  Each media and every social network has its own learning curve...so does Kickstarter. Reading the HELP menu doesn't adequately prepare you for what it takes to run a successful project on Kickstarter.

Harriete BEHIND installation3.22.124x6.72

Before you start a Kickstarter project be prepared with a lot of research, in advance. During the project, it requires a huge investment in developing momentum and visibility.

PS.  I hired a video editor yesterday! More information about making a documentary video in another post. 

This post was updated on March 12, 2022.

Posted Job Opening - What a Successful Response looks like!

Interviewing for a video editor position
has been an eye-opening experience. Looking at 20+ resumes in less than 24 hours from one job posting has given me a real insight into a successful reply for an opportunity.

PENCILbikeCoasterRED_72vertical.greenAfter an afternoon of interviewing editors for a "phase one" video, these are my observations for what a great reply looks like (perhaps for any opportunity).

1. Personalize the reply. Briefly make a case about why you want to work on the job, be in the show, or why this opportunity resonates with you.

2. Describe the job skills you have that fit the job.

3. Respond immediately. Don't wait. There may be so many other applicants for the opportunity that the requestor may stop looking.

4. If a phone number is included in the opportunity, call immediately.

5. If the email is included, email immediately.

6. If the phone and email are included, do both. It shows you are really interested.

7. Include links to previous projects, artwork, or other information that is relevant. An online presence including a website is essential. Include multiple links if you want, but if you don't include this information right from the beginning your introduction seems incomplete.

8. Include your resume either in the email or as an attachment (even if they didn't ask for it).

9. Include your email address and phone number in the body or signature of the email. Yes, I know the email is at the top, but if a person is overwhelmed by the responses, it is very hard to keep track of everything. By including your email and phone number, it will be easy to contact you during the decision-making process.

P.S. This is a super amazing antique pencil I found. The top has an enamel clip that says," Use the Atherton Coaster Brake for Bicycles." Pencils have a lot to say.

This post was updated on March 12, 2022.

The Amazing Search for an Editor

Camera7745In the process of producing a video, I have to hire a lot of help.  A $5,000 grant from the Applied Materials Foundation through the Arts Council of Silicon Valley AMAT_Foundation_Logo_v3s certainly helped to pay for superb talent to videotape and produce a video of the Pencil Symposium. To satisfy the grant requirements, this segment must be completed by April 30. Yikes.

Pick Up Your Pencils, Begin close up image So this morning I placed a job offering online with BAVC.   I had no idea what to expect. I wanted to find an editor who is willing to work within the budget and continue working with me later on a more in-depth video.

AlarmclockgreenWOW!  Within a couple of hours, the response was overwhelming as a dozen people responded -- with some truly amazing candidates. The upside: lots of options for selecting an editor. The downside is more than seven hours spent on interviews and watching online videos.

Professional editors want to work on this project. Each of these editors had a commercial or corporate rate, but they are interested in working with artists on a creative project.
Even experienced editors
will charge less to share in the video objectives supporting the messages in  Pick Up Your Pencils, Begin.  This is something to consider if you ever want to produce a video.

NebulaI am going to share an amazing video "Creating the Nebula". The video is on the Wired website. CLICK on the previous link and watch it. You won't believe this kinetic sculpture in the Hilton Anatole hotel lobby in Dallas, Texas.  Edited by Michael Lennon.  He edited this video (with two other editors) from 1,000 hours of footage. The video reveals the design and fabrication process. He is one of four top candidates.


This post was updated on March 11, 2022, to provide current links.

Wearing Rhinoceros Hide is the New Black

If you read the previous post on ASK Harriete, you know that I was working on making a video titled, Pencils Make a Point.

Camera man  David L. Brown and sound guy Stephen Longstreth  working  on technical difficultiesA KICKSTARTER project was launched to raise the $10,000 needed to cover the video production expenses. I already had 10 hours of raw video footage, and only need 5 hours more, to prepare for the editing, color correction, custom music, and seemingly endless other technical details.  Making a video is a gigantic amount of work and a whole new skill set.

Rhinoceros--ceratotherium-simumThis KICKSTARTER project is very scary.
  All or nothing is the structure on KICKSTARTER. If the funding goal is not reached no money changes hands and the pledges are never called.  I need some thick Rhino skin to withstand the tension.

25 days left to raise the money for the video!  In the meantime, each day (if I can) I will share professional obstacles, issues, and observations about 1) producing a video and 2) working with KICKSTARTER.

Recommendation to All Artists and Makers:
KICKSTARTER is not for the thin-skinned or faint of heart. Wearing rhinoceros hide is definitely the new black!


This post was updated on  February 27, 2023

What Will Happen Depends on You

My KICKSTARTER Project is LIVE and your help can make a difference!!!

Yes, your help can advocate for arts in education at any time.

This KICKSTARTER project was perhaps the most uncertain thing that I have ever done, but crowdsource funding is dependent on everyone helping a little to bring a big project to fruition. In this case, I was asking the arts community to support the making of a video.


The video Pencils Make a Point is about the impact of standardized testing on education and raises a voice for the arts in education.

Every contribution to this KICKSTARTER project will receive a reward. There were 11 different REWARDS for various levels from $10 to $2,500.

The goal was to raise $10,000 to cover the production of the 8-10 minute video. 

Envelope1920I also created more personal Rewards for larger contributions.  Descriptions of the rewards are also on KICKSTARTER.

If the $10,000 goal is not achieved on KICKSTARTER, no one is charged for their contribution. I also don't get any of the money. Poof! The project disappears. There were 26 days to bring this project to the goal.

_MG_7078improvedDuring the 30 day campaign on KICKSTARTER, I learned more through the experience of making a documentary video, working with online sites, and tips you can use yourself in professional development for your own work.

All of the donations go to funding the expenses. Producing a professional quality video such as camera operators, audio recording, video footage, editing, and music. Video is a very expensive medium usually costing $3,000 to $5,000 per minute. It is a team effort. No wonder Hollywood budgets are so huge!.

If you are interested in more information about the four-year project in creating the installation Pick Up Your Pencils, Begin, the documentation is available on my website.
We're getting great support!!!!!!!!!.......

AMAT_Foundation_Logo_v3sSo far the project has had great success with a two-page article in American Craft and a grant for $5,000 from Applied Materials Foundation for the Arts Council of Silicon Valley. (More information about this in another post.)

Please become part of the success with your donation.

For twelve years I have shared my "lessons learned through experience" in the Professional Guidelines, the Professional Development Seminar, and ASK Harriete. My goal is to help others succeed in their professional careers bringing their work to a larger audience.

Can I ask for your help to give a voice to arts in education?



This post was update February 27, 2023 

Art Documentaries Beyond Average, Be Inspired

I'm documenting a major new work using video . . . and hope to complete the making of a short video documentary during the coming year.  More on this later.

I am also taking a class on making Documentary Videos.  My mid-term exam is tomorrow. 

With full submersion into documentary video, I have watched quite a variety recently, and have gained new insight into the difficulty and demands of this medium.

Here are two suggestions for inspiring and insightful videos about the arts.

This film may still be at your local art-house film theater as it was nominated for an Academy Award. See it on the big screen in 3D. Go to be inspired by one person's vision of artistic expression captured in an extraordinary dance documentary directed by Wim Wenders. If you love modern dance, you'll like it even more. Be prepared for seeing something you have never seen before far beyond average or predictable.   I could watch this film again years later. It is one of the most memorable documentaries I have every watched.   

HERBdOROTHYHerb and Dorothy
This unassuming film proves you don't have to have big bucks to support the arts. A postal clerk and a librarian, devoted to the arts and to one another, acquire art from emerging artists before they become famous.  Piece by piece, year after year, they assemble a world-class contemporary art collection that overflows their small rent-controlled apartment.  Eventually, the collection outgrows their modest home, and they share their collection across America. They gave their collection away even though it was worth millions because the value of their art collection was not about money. They did not want to sell their soul.

Much to my surprise, the film was funded through KICKSTARTER. Kickstarter-logo-light

Both of these films show that art can be about inspiration, insight, sincerity, and soul.


This post was updated on February 27,2023 to provide current links.

An Opinion about Pinterest - "What’s Yours Is Mine"?

Much discussion is going on about Pinterest in 2012. I think the issues still exist on Pinterest and all social media sites. The opinions are widely mixed. While Pinterest is a delightfully engaging website, I am very concerned about a number of surrounding issues. These include but are not limited to:

  • The fine print on indemnity under Terms of Use regarding copyright and permission to post images;
  • The apparent disregard by pinners in failing to include the artist's name, complete description, photo credit, and most importantly, a link to the original source.
  • Persistently closed eyes for "ownership" of the images, and more.

My practical advice is highlighted in beige (below). IF you want more background about the Pinterest controversy, keep reading.

I think everyone should consider an account with our without pinning. Do not delete your account.
Advice from Tom McCarthy on Crafthaus is well reasoned. He says: "I made a mistake when I deleted my Pinterest account.  I will be rejoining.  Not to re-establish my boards, I still don't want to pin.  But having an account will allow me to correct any misinformation on pins of my work to a limited extent.  Without an account, I can view the activity but not comment on it.  I'm not advocating hiding from the issue in my studio.  I just don't want to invest my time in their game.  Member complaints will probably also mean more to Pinterest than "outside agitators."

Here is a brief summary of the issues with Pinterest.
With Pinterest,
anyone can copy, pin, repin, anyone’s images without skill, without the title of the work nor artist's name, no description, and sometimes without a link back to the original source. It is soooo easy.

While posting images was possible before on other social networking sites, it was not the primary activity. The difference is that the "pinners" now have a highly visible place to put the "pinned" images on their PinBoard.

Pinners feel that their pinboards are an act of creativity, organization, or identity for the pinner. The images are a reflection of their tastes. The pinner is now a “collector.” A collector of images, but a collector all the same. They can create an identity for themselves online through other people’s creativity, design, or artistic expression.

While most of the pinned images in the past were consumer items and recipes, the dynamic of posting images of photography, art, and craft is growing quickly as artists and makers seek visibility and links to their website or Etsy shop.

There is a discussion on Facebook Critical Craft Forum with over 59 comments. Read it and see what you think! It started with a link to a post by 2Roses on Crafthaus titled, Standing at the crossroads of 'What’s yours is mine'.

John Roses says:
Data – your data – is the currency of the 21st century. Billions of dollars are spent collecting it, and multi-billions are made selling it.  Who controls information about you, and who can profit from it is the new Wild West. This also has far-reaching ramifications for artists and makers, specifically on the issue of control and right to compensation for the use of images of your work.

There has been a lot of talk about Pinterest of late. It is the newest shiny bauble on the social networking scene. Artists (some, anyway) love Pinterest because it seems to shower free attention on a lucky maker. We love free and we love attention. But nothing is really free and some of the more astute makers are already saying “Wait a minute… what’s that tucked down there in all that legal terms and conditions."

I recommend that you read the entire article.

Harriete continues with her concerns...

The Terms of Use on Pinterest are very confusing. 

I am looking for practical solutions for artists and makers. Here are two issues that need to be addressed by Pinterest.

Above is an image of Pin Etiquette #2 and #3

Pin Etiquette #2 says:
"Credit Your Sources
Pins are the most useful when they have links back to the original source. If you notice that a pin is not sourced correctly, leave a comment so the original pinner can update the source. Finding the original source is always preferable to a secondary source such as Google Image Search or a blog entry."

Right now the Pinterest Pinboards are sloppy at best. It is objectionable that many images are not linked back to the original source, but go to an empty Google search page.

Pin Etiquette #3 says:
"Avoid Self Promotion

Pinterest is designed to curate and share things you love. If there is a photo or project you’re proud of, pin away! However, try not to use Pinterest purely as a tool for self-promotion."

The reality is that the makers of art or craft or photos own the images.  So either I break the law through copyright infringement when I post other people's art or craft (read the Pinterest Copyright & Terms of Use), or I need to ask permission for every image posted (recommended), or I break the Pinterest code of etiquette and only post my own work. 

Etiquette only amounts to standards or protocols established by your community. Manners and etiquette are established and generally followed, or the person is ostracized by the community.

Pinterest should find a way to enforce compliance through their website or rewrite their Copyright Terms of Use (in plain English) so every user understands the implication of their actions.

Have you pinned other artists or makers without complete information?
Did you ask if you could pin their work?
Did you take the image from the original source or a Google search?

Are you part of the problem or the solution to better practices on Pinterest?


How about this for a pin?

This post was updated on March 11, 2022.

Pinterest Hot Topics & Copyright Infringement

One of the problems with Pinterest is that people look around the Internet to find images for posting on their pinboards. These "pick up and post" images are not unique to Pinterest.  There are plenty of blogs that look for images to post with content. Beware!  Here is a Legal Lesson Learned: Copywriter Pays $4,000 for $10 Photo.

Think about the ramifications .... lots to discuss and consider though the unique aspect of this article was that the photo was officially copyrighted. Not everyone is applying for copyright on every image. (While everyone has copyright for their work, you can't take your case to court without registered copyright.)

I find the concern about posting images that you don't own a serious issue.

Here is another article from the Business Insider: A Lawyer Who Is Also A Photographer Just Deleted All Her Pinterest Boards Out Of Fear.

On the one hand, asking permission for posting images is a good idea, but, on the other hand, it is a real pain. Imagine the time needed to find the email of each artist, compose an email to ask permission before posting, and wait for a response.

What should I do? At fist, Pinterest seemed like fun. That was a week ago when I experimented for the day. Since last Friday, I am seriously reconsidering the whole premise.

You acknowledge and agree that you are solely responsible for all Member Content that you make available through the Site, Application, and Services. Accordingly, you represent and warrant that: (i) you either are the sole and exclusive owner of all Member Content that you make available through the Site, Application, and Services or you have all rights, licenses, consents, and releases that are necessary to grant to Cold Brew Labs the rights in such Member Content, as contemplated under these Terms; and (ii) neither the Member Content nor your posting, uploading, publication, submission or transmittal of the Member Content or Cold Brew Labs’ use of the Member Content (or any portion thereof) on, through or by means of the Site, Application, and the Services will infringe, misappropriate or violate a third party’s patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret, moral rights or other proprietary or intellectual property rights, or rights of publicity or privacy, or result in the violation of any applicable law or regulation.

The relevant issue here is that I AM NOT the sole and exclusive owner of images I "pick up and post". I can not guarantee that the images I post will not "infringe, misappropriate or violate a third party’s patent, copyright,..".

The other day, I removed images that I had posted on Pinterest. Why? I realized that I didn't own the images and hadn't asked permission from the photographer. With some effort, I found the photographer and his response was that I needed permission from Getty Images. My next step was removing the images. 

I don't have any answers right now, but I do think this is the moment to "pause, and reconsider" all future actions regarding Pinterest.


This post was updated on March 11, 2022.

IP/Internet Lawyer Opinion About Pinterest Policy

One of the concerns of Pinterest users (beyond a host of other issues like image attribution, and links to original sources) is the fine print under Terms of Use on the Pinterest site.

Riley Noehren, an IP/Internet lawyer and maker, has allowed me to repeat his insight into the fine print of Pinterest, the baffling mumbo jumbo that is hard to decipher or understand.

Below is the opinion of Rily Noehren:
"I'm an Etsy member and an IP/Internet lawyer.  Part of my job is to draft website terms for my clients, and this is a pretty standard provision.  It is necessary for Pinterest to have this license in order to be able to run its website.  You will find similar provisions in the terms
of any website where the user can upload content.  For example, Facebook's terms include the following:

"For content that is covered by intellectual property rights, like photos and videos (IP content), you specifically give us the following permission, subject to your privacy and application settings: you grant us a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use any IP content that you post on or in connection with Facebook (IP License). This IP License ends when you delete your IP content or your account unless your content has been shared with others, and they have not deleted it."

"There are a few key limitations to what Pinterest is doing:
1. It is just a license, not an assignment of rights.  You keep the rights to your photos, etc.  Pinterest just has a right to use them in a limited context.
2. The license only extends to things related to the website.
3. The license only covers the content you upload, such as your photos, not the crafts themselves.
4. The license only extends to Pinterest, not other Pinterest users for use off of the website.

If you noticed that Facebook's license ends when you delete your account, but Pinterest's is irrevocable, that is because the whole idea of Pinterest is for others to repost your photos.  Again, this is really necessary in order to make Pinterest work.  However, it doesn't hurt to remember before you upload anything that it will be there forever."

"It is important to remember that even if a website is "free," there is still a cost for using it--namely, your agreement to be bound by the terms and privacy policy.  I think if most Etsians were to weigh the costs and risks associated with Pinterest, the balance would still favor using Pinterest because it is an excellent, low, or no-cost marketing tool. However, each person needs to make that decision for themselves based on the type of work they do."

Riley Noehren
IP/Internet lawyer

Harriete says:
I agree that it is very difficult to understand the fine print Terms of Use. On every site, the terms are written by lawyers paid by the internet site provider to protect the site, not the artists using the site. Ultimately, each person has to decide what is the balance between risk and benefit.

This post was updated on March 11, 2022.

Pinterest Search Results Do Reveal Problems AND Revelations

The last two posts were about Pinterest.

Pinterest - Quick Tips to Become a "Pinner"

Pinterest The Huge Concern

Pinterest2.2012The concern all around by artists and makers is proper attribution of their work.  By attribution, I mean the name of the artist and possibly a link to their website. To investigate this problem, I searched for my work on Pinterest.


I found my work on Pinterest under searches for "Harriete Estel Berman" and "harriete-estel-berman". Not all images had my name in the description. Most of the images don't even have any description, let alone a full and accurate description. Very few included links to my website. Pinterest IMAGE FROM FLICKRA lot of the images were from blogs, photo-sharing site., or online interviews but most did not link back to my website or this blog, ASK Harriete.

The impact: visibility for my work, but not necessarily traffic for my website or blog.

While this doesn't make me happy, I am not sure how it hurts me or my work. It isn't as good as it could be, but there are many other things that could be worse. And there are some serious issues yet to be addressed.

A BIG CONCERN PUBLICLY discussed is the source of the images.

Pinterest  Mezuzah Password Investigating and experimenting, I have made a discovery. If you keep clicking on a Pinterest image it goes back to its original source, maybe.



  • The first Click goes to the person who last pinned the image.
  • The next CLICK goes to where ever the person found the image.
  • So the source of the image can be discovered after all!  Pinterest ebsite image for Password mezuzah by Harriete Estel Berman

OOPS...the unfortunate aspect is that this doesn't work all the time. Sometimes clicking on an image Pinterest Google Blank search boxgoes back to an empty Google search box with no original source. So I would like to recommend that if you find an image on Google Image Search, try to find an original source for the image. 

Taking the image directly off Google makes Clicking back to the original source for the image impossible. Or at least that is what I think is happening since it goes back to a blank Google page with no information, and no links or resources.

another problem:
If people download your image, then upload the pinned image from their computer, there is no source for the image.

What about screen capturing an image and then creating an image on their computer to upload? There is no source for that either!

I think an important issue is how we, the arts community will offer a better description and acknowledgment for the images, with possible photo credit and additional information. We can't complain about others unless we take responsibility for ourselves.

Are you carefully posting images as a resource for others with complete information?

Are you carefully posting your own work with a complete description including your own name?  That was a real shocker when I realized that including my name in the description was necessary because people might repin the work. Thus my images could be traveling far from my own pinboards.


Stay tuned. I have more information about Pinterest and options.

This post was updated on March 11, 2022.

Pinterest The Huge Concern

Years ago interest in Pinterest was explosive. This changes with time and social media platforms but one issues of concern remains.  I heard that Pinterest was the first social network to reach 10 million visitors a month. There is a lot of analysis of this dynamic new site, For artists and makers, there is a huge opportunity to share your work. Lots of possibilities, but I'll skip to the big issue for artists and makers.

The huge concern with Pinterest and other sites is the appropriate attribution for the images. The concern is that images of art or craft may travel around, pinned, and repinned, or shared without proper attribution to the artist/maker. Addressing this concern there are rumors, suggestions, and proposals that artists and makers might decide to watermark their images.

I do not like Watermarks in photos. 
As a result, I am not going to watermark my photos and ruin the image because of others' irresponsible behavior. That is my opinion at the moment...but on the other hand, can't we all join together, work together, post together protecting each other with appropriate attribution?

PinterestHeidiCodyalphabetHere is where everyone, yes, EVERYONE needs to take responsibility for posting images with complete descriptions.

Please, please, please, can we all make Pinterest, Instagram (or any other site)   the best it can be. Honor the creativity behind the images with complete information.

  • Add the artist's name to the description (including your own name).
  • Add a link to the original (artist's) website, if possible. 
  • Add links for your source.
  • Add photo credit, if possible.  
  • Add an accurate (even if short) description.


Tomorrow's post... more Pinterest introspection.

This post was updated on  February 27, 2023.

Pinterest - Quick Tips to Become a "Pinner"

Learning about Pinterest is always a revelation as they continue to modify their policies and Pin Etiquette. I used to love Pinterest and then with Instagram my interest faded. It is difficult to manage so many different platforms. 

Pinterest Harriete Estel Berman profileAfter some hours of experimentation, I can share several tips to help you become a "Pinner" and take advantage of some of the unique features of Pinterest that are different from other social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter.

HarrietePencilProfile2811The great realization is that Pinterest is a natural website for artists and makers since it is image-based.  Artists/makers can post images of anything and everything we love.  It could be like a sketchbook of inspiration or function for self-promotion. I do however have several reservations and concerns which will be discussed here.

The top priority is to always always, always include a link to the original source for the image.

Credit Your Sources
Pins are most useful when they have links back to the original source. If you discover a pin that is not sourced correctly, leave a comment so that the original pinner can update the source. Finding the original source is always preferable to a secondary source such as Google Image Search or a blog entry.

Include as much information as available about the image in the text box with your original pin. This is your only chance to include the appropriate information including the artist's name, description, and photo credit with the image.

COMMENTS DO NOT TRAVEL WITH THE IMAGE: An unfortunate aspect is that your comment does not travel with the image if it is repinned. Thus efforts to include additional information about the image or a link to the original source (in the comment) will only be on that particular page. Nowhere else. Test this yourself. Comments do not travel with the image.

SCANNERMy recommendation is to never pin an image that is not already posted on the internet. In other words, I do not scan a photographic image from a book or magazine for the purpose of pinning an image. I figure that if the artist wanted the image online they would have already put it on the web, and I do not have permission ethically or legally to scan the image from a publication. 

I also do not pin from an artist's website, but only from commercial sites or design blogs where it can be presumed that the artist/maker/designer is prepared to have their image travel on the internet to unpredictable locations on Pinterest. Why else would they have posted images of their work on such high-traffic locations?

Do NOT repin an image if there is no original source (link) for the image. This is just continuing to repeat a poor-quality pin.

Do NOT repin images if the information is incomplete, or inaccurate

NEVER PIN AN IMAGE with the expectation to copy or "Make One for Yourself" 


Follow the Pinterest precept BE Nice. It seems to be the only Pin Etiquette that remains consistent despite the whims of fashion.

You can combine your Pinterest with Facebook and Twitter. You can decide to automatically post your Pin on Facebook or Twitter as shown below.

This is a "Settings".
    HOVER on your NAME.
    A drop-down menu appears.
       CLICK on settings.
       CLICK ON THE BUTTONs to make your selection.





Pinterest Price banner

A Dollar sign with numbers in the text box automatically puts a banner across the top left corner (shown above).  I think it looks tacky. The banner goes across your image and puts the price as a prominent feature. Does everything have to be about price?

Pinterest no price on images

Including a price in the description text is an option.
Use words such as "Retail Price." This is shown below.
Pinterest no price text

Descriptions are limited to 500 words. So keep that in mind. 

You don't need to follow a person, but you can FOLLOW one of their Boards. Just CLICK on the FOLLOW BUTTON (as shown below). You can also UNFOLLOW any time.

Pinterest Hillary Pfeifer

Find me on Pinterest. I look forward to seeing your pins.

This post was updated on March 11, 2022.

The best website or blog evaluation!

Years ago I was looking for ways to evaluate my website.  

I tried different websites to test for my website and blog, ASK Harriete, . . .  and then learned the harsh reality - my website needs work. Welcome to managing a website yourself.

Sitebeam results  for Harriete Estel Berman

What distinguishes a website testing service?  I no longer have any idea, but the issue is still important. Google is not as transparent as it used to be about search ranking. Security, spelling, images, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) are still important but cloaked in more secrecy to avoid people gaming the system like they did in the past. 

What is important now?  Updating your website. Avoiding stagnant content.   

SiteBeam offers a whole list of web site or blog evaluation criteriaThe free test offers information on multiple categories:

  • broken links
  • content keywords
  • headings
  • printability
  • twitter
  • W3C compliance
  • social interest
  • stylesheets
  • broken files
  • incoming links
  • spelling
  • poplularity
  • url format
  • link states
  • freshness
  • search engine results
  • facebook
  • readability
  • analytics
  • alternative text
  • speed
  • visual interest
  • image usage
  • links
  • search ranking

Look for a website testing tool every so often.   See what happens.

While I am a rank amateur in web design and SEO (Search Engine Optimization), this test raised my awareness of many SEO evaluation standards. I didn't know that links from social networks, spelling, titles, headers, or image ALT text (descriptions of your images) had such an important impact in evaluating my site. (Since this was a free test, many results were withheld.)  Still, I have lots of information to work with in the next weeks.


UPDATE 2013: This post was created in January 2012. Since then I have learned about free tools provided with Google Webmaster Tools (and changed again more recently.) Find all ASK Harriete posts on Search Engine Optimization for artists and craftspeople with this link.

In February 27, 2023 I tried  https://website.grader.com/  

I am always willing to try an experiment.

This post was updated on February 27, 2023

Links to information mentioned on Jay Whaley Blog Talk Radio with Harriete Estel Berman

On January 5, 2012, I was live with Jay Whaley Blog Talk Radio

Below are links to information that was mentioned on the radio show. A one-stop resource for our conversation.

If we mentioned anything that isn't listed here, let me know.

Normally, I don't show a link in the text,  but it is listed here so you can copy the text easily and share it with a friend.

Let me know if you need anything else.
What's on your mind?


PencilPoint3763closeup72“Pencils Make a Point” in American Craft  Magazine is a two-page centerfold featuring the very personal and political side of Craft. Harriete Estel Berman worked for four years collecting pencils from all over the United States and internationally as a  commentary about the impact of standardized testing on education. The bell curve curtain is 15’ ht and 28’ wide.
Read this informative article from the December/January 2012 issue of American Craft online: https://www.craftcouncil.org/magazine/article/pencils-make-point

Amercan Craft Article Pencils Make a Point about pencil sculpture.

Do you wonder "How This Article in American Craft Came to Be" featured in American Craft magazine?   Lots more is happening including the beginning of a new video about this work, tune in to find out more. https://askharriete.typepad.com/ask_harriete/2011/12/how-the-article-in-american-craft-came-to-be.html


Alyssa Endo working on the pencil sculpture on the floor.kng8.24.2010_72Are you interested in learning about the assembly of this bell curve of pencils? There is an extended page on my website with images of the fabrication from the last four years showing.  https://harrieteestelberman.com/pencils-1#



TuBishvatOlivegreenonly72.800.7481Are you interested in the design and fabrication of Harriete Estel Berman’s work in tin cans? She recently finished new work for a show at the Contemporary Jewish Museum that opens in February.  Along the way, she created a Flickr album so you can view, step by step how Harriete designed this Seder Plate from concept through every step in the fabrication. http://www.flickr.com/photos/harriete-estel-berman/sets/72157627467970893/
View the finished work on her website at: https://harrieteestelberman.com/seder-plate-for-tu-bishvat


Symposiumflyer_1000WEB Forging Communities






The essence of success by Sienna Patti


The Difference Between a Goal and a Wish by Brigitte Martin





Did you know that the SNAG 2011 
Professional Development Seminar
is available online?
Recorded during the Houston SNAG Conference you can watch and listen to all six segments on the SNAG Professional Development Seminar page. https://www.snagmetalsmith.org/resources-opportunities/professional-development/professional-development-seminar/

This informative programming is available online at no charge courtesy of the NEA, MJSA, and SNAG.

Issues include:

  • How to develop new markets for your work.
  • Ideas for marketing your work and visibility for your blog.
  • The importance of photography in marketing.
  • Are new standards emerging for photographic images?
  • Are the images representing your work well crafted and compelling?
  • What makes a good cover photo?
  • What camera features should I look for before I buy?
  • What are the ethics of Photoshopping images of my work?
  • Who owns the rights to the photograph?
  • What kind of "master image" should my photographer provide?

Additional discussion of all topics continues on ASK Harriete:
Here are the links to individual topics:
Niche Marketing link

Digital Images File Extensions

Photography in Flux – Three photographers

Digital Photography Handouts

Photography in Flux – Editor’s Perspective

How to Build a Better Drop Shadow

Professional Development Seminar 2010

Not Just Another Pricing Lecture

This post was updated on February 18, 2022, to provide current links.

Panic over Google+ Learn and Sync with Facebook and Twitter.

Did you ever notice that Google+ was coming up at the top of the GOOGLE search results?  Now  ironically, that is  in the past. 

Google +  gave up manipulating it's value and doesn't even exist anymore. Wow! 

Really? Yes, really.  The Google+ that was so important and manipulated to be at the top of search results is completely gone. Google finally stopped trying to artificially inflate its importance. What else will disappear?

Google + manipulation does have an explanation from Ariane in the comments on this post (below). The reality of the past is that Google 
skewed search results  when you searched for yourself when you're logged into Google. This is very good to know!  What else is manipulated that we don't know?

Either way, this forced me to take action years ago, but it is harder than ever to decide where to put your social media weight in the present. 

So this is what I recommend getting  a handle on a few social networking platforms and see what happens.

Sour grapes only leave a bad taste.



Guess what! There are several ways that we can talk about art business development for artists and makers.

Time and the internet are always in flux. (Pun intended for you metalsmithing folks.)

Now I hide my Twitter presence until the management gets their act aligned with decency.   I haven't left Twitter, but think about it.

While I admit to never feeling totally caught up, this is no time to give up. 

Have you got a question or answer? I'd like to hear it.


Updated February 27, 2023.

Recommended Resources for SEO and Website Information

To keep current, I follow several newsletters and blogs to learn more about SEO and Internet issues.

Spice_frontBHow else can I learn the secrets to traveling on the Internet at light speed in my studio? These resources (listed below) are a great way to build your Internet marketing and business savvy. No one has to read them all, just pick and choose depending on your time and energy, or save the link for a later date.

Go ahead, sign up for their newsletters, none of them cost a penny. 

UPDATE as of 2017: SEO has changed dramatically in the last 6 years. The best SEO practices of 2017 are based on quality, authentic content, and a website that works for your customers/readers. I have no idea how to be up to date in 2023.

Many of the websites and newsletters I recommended in 2011 are outdated or obsolete so I have updated this post.

Your primary guide should be Google Webmasters . Registers and look around. This doesn't cost you anything except some time.

10 Tips for Artists and Makers for Attracting Web Traffic to Your Site includes links to simple and effective ideas you can implement for your site that work. By work, I mean generating traffic for your site. No need to be an SEO guru to create an effective website for your art or craft.


Search Engine Land
Search Engine Land has a variety of authors, I recommend Jill Whalen. There is also has a super post called: The Best Damn Web Marketing Checklist, Period! A quick tutorial worth reading. 

Outspoken Media 

SEObook (This is advanced information so skip it if you are new to SEO and web.)

I think that I should study my own website platform for hints. It provides tutorials that may be helpful   The standardization of the web with website platforms can be used to our advantage. 

Harriete Estel Berman teaching at a workshopWORKSHOPE-mail me your questions about SEO. 

Let's talk!


Spice_frontB This is one page from a book "And There was Light" constructed from post-consumer spice tins and tin cans. View the entire book on my website.









Finding The Orange Lifeboat - Will Your Images Be Lost at Sea? by Brigitte Martin

Today's post about tagging your images is by Brigitte Martin, curator, book author, and administrator of Crafthaus.  Martin begins by taking us on a rescue mission to stress the importance of tagging your images on the Internet.  Will your images be lost on the Internet? Are they drowning in an ocean of information?

Note: The opinions expressed by the author, Brigitte Marin, in this post are hers and hers alone, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of ASKHarriete or Harriete Estel Berman. No endorsement or refutation is implied.

BMartin1WilliamPilotImagine you are a military helicopter pilot charged with a rescue mission in the choppy seas off of Wales. (Prince William of England generously offered to be our model for this edifying story. Thanks, Will.)

BMartin2screenSomeone fell off a fishing boat and is now missing at sea. Prince William must find this person within minutes. (If he does this right, he can keep gallivanting around England a bit longer with the new wife. If he fails, he’ll need to return to London and sit in the rain for 3 dreadfully long parades with grandma.)

So Will decides he doesn’t enjoy parades all that much after all, waves bye-bye to Kate and takes off to find the lost sailor.

And this is what he sees: Water.


A great big sea of water. Lots of it and then some more. The minutes are ticking by and he just can’t find the person he needs to save.

Then finally, after 29 minutes, Will sees something. A bright orange spot in the wide-open sea! Brilliant. The sailor can now be rescued by our hero!


Martin5WilliamWithQueenWill goes home and tells his grandmother that she’ll have to ask someone else to sit through the parades.


The End. Well, almost...
Now, what on earth is the point of this story?

BrigitteMartinprofileCHAIRImagine: Instead of royal Will on a rescue mission, there’s a charming, good looking, and very smart editor/curator out there (theoretically speaking, it’s no one we would know personally) who urgently needs to find a photo of one of your pieces on the Internet for a groundbreaking story she wants to write about you and your work! But the photo our editor is looking for is - literally - lost at sea.

Oh no! Why, you ask? Well, because YOU FORGOT TO TAG YOUR IMAGES. That’s why!

See, the thing is, the Internet is kind of like the huge, blue ocean. Without tags on your photo, the image is just LOST AT SEA, it is invisible. BMartinHAND

HANDI found this image of a hand on Crafthaus. It has no tags. This image is lost. No one can find it. In a minute it will be drowned.

Lifeboat with tagsHowever, with tags on your photos, your tags become the orange lifeboat, the one thing the editor can now see against the blue waters. That’s how it works!

So, will you start tagging your images now? You can easily tag images on crafthaus, Flickr, and other image-sharing sites.

Start with the photos you have uploaded already and continue tagging as you go along.

Suggested tags are:

  • your name
  • title of piece
  • material
  • what object it is (ring, necklace, vase, etc.)
  • location
  • descriptions or keywords that would help someone find your work
  • name of website

If you tag your photos, others can find them. It’s that easy. You are doing this for yourself!

Your charming, good looking and very smart editor thanks you sincerely.

Brigitte Martin


Ring by Aline Battengay

Appropriate tags for this photo might be:
Aline Battengay (artist name), ring, hand, doll, jewelry, found object, plastic,






POSTS on ASK Harriete about Image Tags.

Search Engines Have No Vision - Play TAG, Your IT - Create Tags for better SEO from 2.0 sites


Mail without an address? Titles, tags, and descriptions for Search Engine Optimization.

Images on your website, Are they lost or found?

This post was updated on February 17, 2022.

The difference between a goal and a wish?

"I just want to clearly state what a goal for success actually is, because I think there’s a big problem people have with understanding: I think there’s a difference between a goal and a wish."*

Powerful words from Brigitte Martin, a speaker with the "success panel" during Forging Communities Symposium.

Brigitte Martin's frank lecture about success was inspiring.  I'd like to share a nugget here on ASK Harriete. Brigitte Martin is an organizer, mentor, and leader of Crafthaus. During her 10-minute PowerPoint presentation, Brigitte asked us: "What’s the meaning of success?"

She continued...
A common problem people have is understanding that there is a difference between a “goal” and a “wish.”

BrigitteMartin1 goals vs wishes

Let’s look at some of the answers artists give when asked what “success“ means to them, or in other words what they want from their lives. Most of them will tell you that they want:

  • to be happier,
  • to have a better job,
  • to have more money,
  • to have fewer worries,
  • to lose a few pounds,
  • to be as successful as so and so - generally speaking.

Please note that all these are general wishes that many people have. But if you look at them closely, you will see that these are NOT goals that would help you to be successful.

BrigitteMartin2 wishes

So what then is a goal?

Quite simply put:
A goal means “to have specific strategies and MEASURABLE objectives.”

BrigitteMartin3 goal

Now I know, this sounds so uninspired, so boring, so accountant-like, so not artistic. But bear with me for a minute and let me make clear what measurable goals are and you will see how they can apply to your work and lead to a certain measure of success.
In the business world the saying goes: “If you can’t measure it, you don’t know what you have.”

BrigitteMartin4 business

There are four things everyone can measure:

  • quantity
  • quality
  • cost (on or off budget)
  • timeliness/ deadline

To give you a very simple example, setting a clear and measurable goal for success would be:
“By December 31st, I will have photographed all of the artwork that I created this year.”

Not only is this a very practical and useful goal (after all we know from the most recent Professional Development Seminar**  that having good photography is absolutely essential) but by putting yourself under a deadline you create a measurable goal (in this case “timeline/deadline”).

Measuring Cup of Success by Harriete Estel Berman

Obviously, all kinds of goals can be created regarding quantity, quality, cost, and deadline.
When Dec. 31 rolls around and you look at your photos you will realize that you have indeed photographed everything. You then know that you have achieved this particular goal of yours, and the beauty of this one is that it will continue to help you be successful because you now have these images at the ready and can send them out to promote yourself at any time.

Here are some other examples of practical goals that everyone can set.  Look at your work as if you were actually running it as a “business.”

Create deadlines for yourself to do the following:

  • get serious about bookkeeping, record keeping,
  • get serious about your time management (don’t hang out on the internet all day),
  • get serious about your photography,
  • get serious about your marketing efforts (print and online),
  • get serious about your gallery relationships,
  • get very serious about the quality of your artwork.

Goal setting works wonderfully as a measure of success because it helps you stay focused in your daily life.

Setting a goal will lead you and direct you toward the place you want to end up.

Write your goals down and keep them handy at your desk or workplace where you can see them every day as a constant reminder.


Thank you to Brigitte Martin for sharing sage words of advice.
*Phrase taken from the impressive Tumblr notes by Tara Brannigan about the "What is Success?" panel here.

Brigitte knows what she is talking about. Prior to starting Crafthaus, she ran two galleries. If you haven't visited Crafthaus, this is a social network for artists and makers in all media. There are online exhibitions, public discussions, blogs, and portfolios of artwork on each profile. All images are approved or disallowed by Brigitte's discerning eye to keep quality high.  Join Crafthaus to participate with this community.

Photographer: Nerds behind the Lens, Pittsburgh, PA

**The Professional Development Seminar is organized each year by Harriete Estel Berman, Andy Cooperman, and Brigitte Martin for the annual SNAG Conference. 

Notes: The first four images were taken directly from Brigitte Martin's PowerPoint courtesy of Brigitte Martin.

The Measure of Success measuring cup was my image.

This post was updated on February 16, 2022.


What’s the meaning of success?

A common problem people have is understanding that there is a difference between a “goal” and a “wish.” Let’s look at some of the answers artists give when asked what “success“ means to them, or in other words what they want from their lives. Most of them will tell you that they want:

to be happier,

to have a better job,

to have more money,

to have less worries,

to loose a few pounds,

to be as successful as so and so - generally speaking.

Please note that all these are general wishes that many people have. But if you look at them closely, you will see that these are NOT goals which help you to be successful. So what then is a goal? Quite simply put:

A goal means “to have specific strategies and MEASURABLE objectives.”


Now I know, this sounds so uninspired, so boring, so accountant-like, so not artistic. But   bear with me for a minute and let me make clear what measurable goals are and you will see how they can apply to your work and lead to a certain measure of success.

In the business world the saying goes: “If you can’t measure it, you don’t know what you have.” There are 4 things everyone can measure:

-   quantity

-   quality

-   cost (on or off budget)

-   timeliness/ deadline

To give you a very simple example, setting yourself a clear and measurable goal for success would be:

“By December 31st, I will have photographed all of my artwork that I created this year.”

Not only is this a very practical and useful goal (after all we know from the most recent PDS that having good photography is absolutely essential) but by putting yourself under a deadline you create a measurable goal (in this case “timeliness/deadline”). --Obviously, all kind of goals can be created regarding quantity, quality, cost and deadline.

When Dec. 31 rolls around and you look at your photos you will realize that you have indeed photographed everything. You then know that you have achieved this particular goal of yours, and the beauty of this one is that it will continue to help you being successful because you now have these images at the ready and can send them out to promote yourself at any time.

Here are some other examples of practical goals that everyone can set:

Look at your work as if you were actually running it as a “business.” Create deadlines for yourself to do the following:

get serious about book keeping, record keeping,

get serious about your time management (don’t hang out on the internet all day),

get serious about your photography,

get serious about your marketing efforts (print and online),

get serious about your gallery relationships,

get very serious about the quality of your artwork.


Goal setting works wonderfully as a measure of success because it helps you stay focused in your daily life. Setting a goal will lead you and direct you toward the place you want to end up. Write your goals down and keep them handy at your desk or workplace where you can see them every day as a constant reminder.

NICHE MARKETING - 3 Presentations Offer Great Information

The Professional Development Seminar from the 2011 SNAG Conference was recorded and is available for listening and viewing!

Now you can see the same presentations and hear what our niche marketing experts had to say.  I enjoyed the real-time events but learned even more when I was editing the audio....and I think you will too! Here are a few highlights, (then scroll down for the presentation with audio).


Alexander Girard mid-20th century
dolls sold to adults were a stylistic
influence on Hilary Pfeiffer new line
of wedding toppers.
Photo from H.Pfeifer PowerPoint.

Our first speaker, Hilary Pfeifer, describes her "Bunny with a Tool Belt" line that keeps her going in this tough economy.

HPelephant Hilary explains that her childhood interests evolved into her wedding cake toppers sold on Etsy (left photos). She says these are among the few things that people keep and display in their homes after the wedding. Every one of her wedding cake toppers delights...check out success by looking at Bunny with a ToolBelt!


Next up, the Professional Development Seminar continues with emiko oye EMIKOWatch the presentation and take notes. No matter what your medium or style, emiko offers solid information that translates to success from gallery exhibitions to Etsy.

 Model  holding  bracelets made from Legos
emiko's TOP five tips
for Getting Your Business Out There!

1. Professional Quality Photography
This is THE MOST IMPORTANT TIP for getting exposure for your business. First impressions are everything so why not wow people's socks off from the get-go!

Emiko oye lego necklace 2. Take Risks Don't Get STUCK: Balance
Even though you may sell a ton of one design in one style, don't get stuck just putting all your focus on making the same thing over and over. 

Emiko Oye exhibition necklace from Legos necklace Balance: I'm a staunch believer in making important exhibition pieces (right images) as well as production, ready-to-wear. The exhibition work definitely helps sell the production work and gives broader exposure.

Ermikooyetireearrings 3. Take Note & Be Accessible
Pay attention to how people respond to your work, feedback helps define your niche market. Be Accessible: means have a web presence. As I've said in my lecture, "If you aren't online, you don't exist". Get involved in social media with Facebook, Twitter, and  Crafthaus.

Emiko Oye jewelry on a model
  All jewelry (above right) by emiko oye
  from repuprosed LEGOS
  The Tire Earrings are included in new
  Lark book 21st Century Jewelry

4. Be Ready Set Go!
When opportunity strikes, you must be ready with line sheets, images, bios, and artist statements. Flickr and your website are great for being ready for the press.

5. Get Involved.
While we love to hole ourselves up in the studio and make to our heart's content, it's important to get involved in your community, local, & national arts organizations.



Our third Niche Marketing speaker, Deb Stoner, has a multi-prong approach to support herself which includes teaching workshops onStonermhbc#1-1992 eyeglass fabrication, custom designing, and fabrication for Donna Karan, along with her jewelry & photography. She keeps it fresh by being open to opportunities. Read the Handout Deb created for the PDS about Niche Marketing.  Download DebStoner_Final




The Professional Development Seminar was organized by Andy Cooperman, Brigitte Martin, and myself, Harriete Estel Berman. We had a strong program brimming with information and over 500 attendees but the Internet offers the opportunity to share this programming with a much larger audience.
ASKHarrietePinkBlack Please feel empowered to share this YouTube presentation or post on ASK Harriete with your fellow artists and makers (with proper attribution, of course).  
Our sponsors include the NEA, National Endowment for the Arts, MJSA, and SNAG.  Stay tuned for more presentations with audio from our PDS programming.
This post was updated on February 8, 2022.
ASK Harriete Pin for Harriete Estel Bermanerr

Promoting YOUR Art or Craft with SlideShare - Adding Audio!

 Jump right in
I am TERRIBLE about reading instructions.

I usually just jump right in, then sink or swim.  

The point is that there are many ways to learn.  Whatever works for you, one way or another, it isn't difficult to learn how to create really great SlideShare presentations with audio.

 Below is a presentation (found on SlideShare) with step-by-step instructions of what we have been covering on ASK Harriete in the three previous posts.

Here is what works for me.  Audacity is rather self-explanatory so I never read any instructions....or listened to any presentations, but perhaps it would be advisable.  Take advantage of the free software download to make your audio recording.

WriteYourselfascript My first step when adding audio is to write a script. While it is not necessary to read every word exactly, a script improves your recording significantly and eliminates a lot of editing. A script saves time!

Next, modify the PowerPoint (on your computer) to fit your script. I play my audio recording while I watch my PowerPoint. Testing on your computer saves time.

Are you ready?

Check  Quality images

 Check Great Recording

Check  Interesting content 


The final steps are 1, 2, 3:

1. Upload your PowerPoint to SlideShare
2. Upload your audio MP3 file to SlideShare
3. Synchronize the advancement of images with audio. This is very easy to do.

Are you ready to jump inSlideShare is a great site for creating professional quality presentations about your art or craft.

For example, I recommended that my daughter upload her portfolio and talk about her design objectives as a SlideShare presentation. What an easy way to have an online link for your resume as a new graduate on a job hunt.

 It's summer! Are you ready to jump into new ways to share your work with a larger audience? 


Just in case....here is a review of the final steps to create your own audio recording.

FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS found here for a podcast tutorial.
Download the audio software. You are almost ready.

The final download is Lame MP3 Encoder. This information is further down on the same page.  See the image below.


AFTER you download both Audacity and LAME MP3 Encoder, you are ready to start recording with your headset/microphone.


It takes some trial and error to become proficient. The image above is what the Audacity editing software looks like on my computer. As you record, you will see the recording as the squiggly blue line.

With a little practice, you start identifying what words look like.  I am editing the Professional Development Seminar recording from the Seattle SNAG Conference.

It is interesting that you can start to see "uhmmmmmsss", "Ahhhhsss", and "annnnddddssss". They are called "audible pauses" and your recording will sound a lot better by editing out audible pauses, stutters, and external noises (like a cough).

This post was updated on February 5, 2022.