An intern's response about his internship experience.
August 18, 2009
This summer I had a student intern, Elliot Gaskin, from the Academy of Art University, San Francisco, Ca. (Please read the previous two posts about internships for more information.) After the internship was over, I asked Elliot to write a response about his internship experience. Here it is:
FROM: Elliot Gaskin,
As a senior at the Academy of Art University, San Francisco, California, I expressed interest in finding an internship to the director of the Metal Arts Jewelry Program, Charlene Modena. Based on my academic standing and credits I was approved for an internship.
My interest in pursuing an internship began when a close friend and fellow classmate raved about her experience as an intern. An internship at the Academy of Art University seemed like a great way to get my feet wet in the real art world. A few phone calls were made and an inquiry was published in the local metal arts guild letter by my director. I was told that Harriete Estel Berman was interested in having an intern.
50 Pulleys Installation 2008
Elliot Gaskin, Photo: by Ian McNemar
Two months later, I began my internship. During the 7 week summer semester, I spent 135 hours as Harriete’s intern and learned an amazing amount of new and useful skills, tips, insights, and wisdom!
This was a great opportunity to be "in the moment/life" of an extremely hardworking successful artist. During the day, I watched her write emails, talk to museums and collectors, put together her artist packet, ship work, write professional guidelines, make aesthetic decisions, maintain her website and do a million other tasks, all at the same time.
Tagua Ring from the Pulley Series 2008
Elliot Gaskin, Photo: Ian McNemar
Harriete was very open to my questions and ideas. She spent time critiquing my photos and the work I brought in. We also reviewed parts of my "artist packet."
I also enjoyed working and learning from Harriete’s three assistants, Emiko, Terry, and Margo. They each had a different role in the studio. Some days I helped Emiko photograph work and on others, I assisted Margo as she personalized Harriete’s artist envelopes and did many other tasks. Terry showed me how Harriete stays organized on her computer and keeps track of all of her artwork, photos, and documents.
Wire Necklace from the Pulley Series
Elliot Gaskin, Photo Credit: Bob Toy
The experience was short but well worth my time. Valuable information was learned that isn’t offered in any class. I got a great taste of the future and the world outside of school.
Best Regards,
Elliot Gaskin
This post was updated on December 27, 2021, to provide current links.