Looking Forward to the New Year
January 01, 2010
Looking forward to the New Year, I thought a quick post about upcoming events and topics in the coming year would be appropriate.
Upcoming soon...a sample Cease and Desist letter for anyone to use when someone copies your work. More information will be appearing in my Opinion article for Metalsmith Magazine soon.
Podcasts about my work. I am learning how to create podcasts and how to put short lectures online with audio. I am really excited about learning this new skill which is remarkably easy with free software. You can listen to my first experiment at the following link. I'd love to hear your feedback about this new professional resource experiment.
CLICK HERE for a presentation about my chocolate pot Obverse Obsession.
California Dream © 2005
Recycled tin cans, Pentium chip
Artist: Harriete Estel Berman
Photo Credit: Philip Cohen
An exhibition of my artwork is coming this February at the Loveland Museum, Colorado. Forty (40) boxes were shipped to the museum a few days ago. (Can you imagine how much work it was just to pack up this much work? A peanuts blizzard and cardboard box marathon!) On Saturday, February 13th, there will be a lecture by Liz Quisgard followed by a panel discussion with all the artists.
The Professional Development Seminar at the SNAG (Society of North American Goldsmiths) Conference in Houston is coming up March 10-13, 2010. If you are not planning to attend the entire SNAG (Society of North American Goldsmiths) Conference March 10 - 13, 2010, you can pay for just this PDS seminar on pricing your work). The first presentation is by Bruce Baker speaking about "The Art of Selling". The morning continues with "Not Just Another Pricing Lecture: A Dialog about Pricing Your Work" with Marlene Ritchey, Guido Schindler, Jennifer Trask, Kiwon Wang, and Francesca Vitali. This will continue with an informal discussion during lunch. While the SNAG Conference is generally focused on jewelry, metal arts, and design, this information will be applicable to a wide range of media AND the speakers represent a wide spectrum of viewpoints.
Also at the SNAG Conference, I am working on a new program titled, "A Smaller Conference Experience." Everyone is invited to a more relaxed setting for individual introductions and conversation before the pin swap on Wednesday night, and an informal lunch discussion on Thursday with the Keynote Speaker Caroline Broadhead and the Thursday morning speaker Beverly Penn. Bring your own lunch, grab a chair and join our conversation. Space is limited to 75 people. Please come and say your name, "hello", and tell us what kind of work you do.
Portfolio Reviews at the conference. If you are interested in a short conversation offering insight about your work and discussion about reaching your professional goals with gallery owners, curators, or experienced artists, then stay tuned for the opportunity to grab a portfolio review slot.
Recycle © 1999
The California Collection
Artist: Harriete Estel Berman
Recycled tin cans, wood, milk bottles,
Photo Credit: Philip Cohen
This year begins for me with an intense focus on finishing artwork that has been "in progress" for quite a while. Finally, I am completing a whole group of work that has taken me more than two years. To the left is one piece in the series.
Stay tuned to my website, Facebook, and Flickr where new images will be published in the coming weeks and months. If you aren't already my friend on Facebook, this is a great way to stay in touch.
Looking forward to the New Year and all it holds for our professional development.
I write this blog for my readers. Let me know what you want to hear and learn in the coming year.
Best Wishes for the New Year,