Where Do I Find Opportunities to Exhibit My Work?
September 09, 2010
"Where Do I Find Opportunities to Exhibit My Work?" is one of the most frequent questions that artists and craftspeople ask. It's hard enough to make the work, and then spend more time looking for opportunities to exhibit. ASK Harriete has answered variations of this question, such as a previous post titled How Do You Find Venues for Your Work, but here is another idea, REGISTER with online jury sites like Cafe'.
Pace HAND-PICK & WIN Flower Pin
Post Consumer recycled tin cans
© 2010 Harriete Estel Berman
View the entire collection on Flickr.
The recent newsletter emailed from Cafe' prompted me to write this post. I found several opportunities for myself and friends not otherwise on my radar screen. Here is what Cafe' says on their registration page.
"CaFÉ provides artists with an easy-to-use system to create a profile with contact information, upload digital images of their artwork, and apply to a number of open calls for entry at one time. There is no cost to register your profile and you can update it at any time by going to "My Info".
Pace HAND-PICK & WIN Flower Pin
(back view of pin with hallmark)
Post-consumer recycled tin cans
Artist: Harriete Estel Berman
View the entire collection on Flickr.
Registration is FREE, do it now!!!! It only takes a few minutes. After you register, you can receive their newsletter listing new opportunities.
In the future, as you respond to juried opportunities, the photos that you upload can be saved on the Cafe' site for you. This way you can access them again for the next opportunity. The downside is that CAFE' requires your photos to be uploaded in a specific size (eliminating any advantage that horizontal shots have over vertical) and resizing your images for Cafe' takes extra time.
Meteor Fruit Crate -California Collection
© 2009 Harriete Estel Berman
Three-dimensional fruit crate label
constructed from post-consumer recycled
tin cans, custom made wood crate,
handmade paper, three bracelets.
Photo Credit: Philip Cohen
Do you know of any online Jury sites that you would like to recommend to other artists?
Why not list them below in the comments?
Help yourself and other artists:
- JOIN (yes, pay membership dollars) to a select number of artist organizations that fit your work. Most likely they will regularly send out emails and newsletters to their members. Support the organizations that support artists like you.
- REGISTER with online jury sites like Cafe
- SHARE opportunities with friends and they will share with you
This post was updated on January 21, 2022.
Three Meteor Bracelets from the Meteor Fruit Crate
California Collection © 2009 Harriete Estel Berman
Bracelets are displayed and sold with the three-dimensional fruit crate label,
and wood crate display.
MATERIALS: Post-consumer recycled tin cans, handmade paper, recycled cardboard, s/s rivets, brass tubing, wood.
Photo Credit: Philip Cohen