Professional Guidelines improve your images!
January 25, 2011
Sunday I posted opportunities to submit your images for three different books. Check it out if you missed the post. I didn't want to wait until Tuesday because of the pending deadline for submitting images.
"Oh No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!," you say.
"My images aren't ready!!!!!!!!!"
"My new work isn't finished!!!!!!!!!!!"
That is just the point! Success is always just around the corner, but only if you are prepared with photographs. You can't wait until the opportunity is upon you to make something you've been thinking about for years. Don't wait for an invitation to complete that important project. Then get your photos done. Chance favors the prepared!
Photoshoot in progress. Photo Credit: Alyssa Endo
The Professional Guidelines has several documents that will help you on your path to success with four topics to improve your application:
TOP TEN TIPS for Getting Into a Juried Exhibition, Show, Book, or Magazine.
Working with Digital Images Effectively
GUIDE TO Professional Quality Images
Click on this link Download PGHANDOUT2010 for a one-page PDF including all 19 topics in the Professional Guidelines.
Stay tuned for the next post about using a model to photograph your jewelry, clothing, or art to wear.
This post was updated on January 27, 2022.