Taglines and Tagalongs -- Like Girl Scout Cookies, Wildly Popular and not really good for you.
March 15, 2011
"What should I use for a tagline?" A very common question posed to ASK Harriete. Taglines are popular, and like Tagalong Girl Scout cookies, somewhat overrated, and not really good for you.
Sorry to be so harsh, but I am kind of bemused. It seems that taglines are something that people consider important way too early in their art/craft business career. When they are still figuring out what their best products will be, the aesthetic styling of their business cards, and the work they plan to make, they want to believe that a "perfect" tagline is going to bring it all into focus for them and their customers.
Whoa!!!!!! I've looked in every book on my shelves about art and craft business management (I have lots) and only one had any suggestions about tag lines. Art Marketing 101 gives this topic a small half page. They describe a tagline as "similar to a slogan." They continue, "A tagline should note the physical features of your artwork, the emotional aspects, and the special qualities. As an artist, you also want your tagline to help define the style and /or subject matter of your artwork..."
Fine, all good, but your tagline should not become a priority in your business. Don't buy 500 cards with tag lines on them thinking you'll explode on the scene and have your business figured out.
Only time and experience are going to help you figure out your artwork, aesthetic, and the style of work that is selling. Who knows, you might even find more than one niche market so that your marketing will have to change or adapt depending on the context.
If you want tags or tag lines, or even business cards that can function as both...try starting out small. Moo cards are a flexible solution. They let you print 100 cards and all of them are different for about $20. You can experiment with images and text for a range of variations. Test out your images in a small print format, then see how people respond.
Another option - color copy on card stock, and cut up the cards yourself. Do some experimentation before you print 500 cards that may or may not really work for you.
Forgive me, I must have Girl Scout Cookies on the brain since my husband brought home a couple of boxes. (I've eaten them but I really wish he hadn't purchased them and instead made a donation.)
Tagalongs are described as "Tasty cookies topped with creamy peanut butter and covered with a luscious chocolaty coating." That tag line for Tagalongs sounds really yummy and descriptive, but, have you ever read the ingredients? The cookies are really a combination of partially hydrogenated oils and sugar with very little peanut butter or chocolate. The cookies are not really good for us. Tagalongs cookies have a great tagline sold by cute, adorable, aspiring young girls. Girl Scout cookies have their niche market and they know it well.
So if you feel you must have a tagline, make it specific, descriptive, memorable, emotional, and irresistible.
NOTE: I am just Harriete (with no tagline).
This post was updated on January 27, 2022.