Craft Forward Symposium 2011: Manufractured Clips, Capsules, Confiscated, and Commentary
Craft FORWARD Symposium 2011 - Glenn Adamson

Craft Forward Symposium 2011 - Game On, Move Forward,

 Friday afternoon (April 1) was the opening event for Craft Forward, the reception for Manufractured, and the keynote address by Glenn Adamson. These two events are the high points of Craft Forward for me!

If you live in the San Francisco Bay area come to the reception at California College for the Arts, Oliver Arts Center, 5212 Broadway, Oakland, CA.
I have two major pieces in the exhibition.

Next travel to San Francisco for the keynote address by Glenn Adamson at Mission Bay Conference Center, UCSF, San Francisco. I look forward to meeting Glenn Adamson for the first time (even though I have corresponded with him recently).

Stay tuned for daily blog posts on ASK Harriete about Craft Forward.  

What did I learn? I asked lots of people at the opening on Wednesday...."Are you coming to Craft Forward?" So many people said they didn't know about the symposium. I haven't seen online discussions on LinkedIn Groups or other online forums either.

Thought-provoking issues raised? How can so much of the craft community of Bay Area artists and makers not know that world renowned speakers are coming to their own school or to the Bay Area? Why wasn't this event more publicized? One ad in American Craft is all the advertising I saw. I don't get it! This is worth traveling across the United States to see.
How can Craft go Forward with anemic efforts at publicizing this symposium and sharing information?

Read the following books if you want background information from the writing of Glenn Adamson or you can use the deep intellectual content to help you sleep at night.
51ttLEmm8XL._SL500_AA300_ Thinking Through Craft by Glenn Adamson.

The craft reader The Craft Reader by Glenn Adamson. 

 This post was updated on January 28, 2022.
