Digital Image (extensions) - Or alphabet soup? A quick tutorial.
The Professional Development Seminar is "GRRREAT!"

RGB or CMYK, web or print? Get ready for the Professional Development Seminar!

Get ready for the Professional Development Seminar this Saturday.

NBC-1956-logo One of the topics is Photography in Flux: Technical Issues, Media and Style. The issues are complicated.


The world of photography for art and craft is changing rapidly. Is your photography up to date? Does it represent your work effectively?

Alphabet_soup-2350Just to be sure that there is no confusion (before we hear the opinions of three photographers and two editors), I am giving a short tutorial on digital images. Did you read the last post on Digital Image (extensions) - Or alphabet soup? A quick tutorial.

Do you know the difference between RGB and CMYK?

Both RGB and CMYK define the specific color space of a document. By assigning, or tagging, a document with a color profile, the application provides a definition of actual color appearances in the document.

Rgb LCD-MonitorHB RGB is for web/screen viewing.

RGB is a digital camera’s original format.

RGB stands for the colors of light: red, green, and blue.

RGB is for web/screen viewing
but some digital printers use RGB, so it is always best to ask which format they prefer.



                                                        Photo Credit: Emiko Oye

PrintercartridegeCMYK is for print. 

CMYK stands for the ink colors cyan, magenta, yellow, and key (black).

Don’t convert your images to CMYK unless instructed to do so by the printer.

Converting to CMYK results in lost data unless your Photoshop Layers are flattened first.

Stay tuned for live blogging from the PDS on Twitter:

You can print your own copy of the Handout early.  ASK Harriete will post an announcement. (The handouts are amazing, by the way, with lots of good information from our speakers.)

Learn more about the Professional Development Seminar this Saturday with our photographers Douglas Yaple, Roger Schreiber, and Christopher Conrad along with editors Marthe Le Van of Lark Book and Suzanne Ramljak, Metalsmith Magazine.

Topics include:
• Are you being judged by the style of your images?
• How much post-production is acceptable and who should do the work?
• Current trends in background and composition.
• The model or the pedestal?
• And much more...

More information about WORKING WITH DIGITAL IMAGES EFFECTIVELY and GUIDE TO PROFESSIONAL QUALITY IMAGES is available online from the Professional Guidelines.



LIFE Flower Pin by Harriete Estel Berman 

This post was updated on February 3, 2022.

