KISS ("keep it simple stupid") Presentations to Promote Your Art and Craft
June 28, 2011
A great SlideShare about your art or craft starts with a great PowerPoint!
PLAN IN ADVANCE to make your PowerPoint presentation amazing!
WHY are you making a presentation! (Who is the intended audience and what message do you wish to convey?)
Do you want to share your work?
Do you want INVITATIONS for workshops or lectures?
Considering that people may be watching your presentation on a variety of monitors.... some the size of a playing card, keep your text and graphics simple.....hence KISS "keep it simple stupid".
Find PowerPoint or Keynote on your computer, open it!~
The next post on ASK Harriete is about adding audio to your SlideShare.
If you don't know how to use PowerPoint, a final tutorial is below. It's a little dry, but it offers a good beginning. One more hint: if you are planning to UPLOAD your presentation to SlideShare, do not add animations or fancy slide transitions....they don't work on SlideShare.
- K-I-S-S is an expression often used in engineering and science to remind practitioners to avoid excessive complexity. It derives from a principle known as Occam's Razor
This post was updated on February 4, 2022.