KISS ("keep it simple stupid") Presentations to Promote Your Art and Craft
Photography in Flux- Guidelines for Photos of Your Craft

Promoting YOUR Art or Craft with SlideShare - Adding Audio!

 Jump right in
I am TERRIBLE about reading instructions.

I usually just jump right in, then sink or swim.  

The point is that there are many ways to learn.  Whatever works for you, one way or another, it isn't difficult to learn how to create really great SlideShare presentations with audio.

 Below is a presentation (found on SlideShare) with step-by-step instructions of what we have been covering on ASK Harriete in the three previous posts.

Here is what works for me.  Audacity is rather self-explanatory so I never read any instructions....or listened to any presentations, but perhaps it would be advisable.  Take advantage of the free software download to make your audio recording.

WriteYourselfascript My first step when adding audio is to write a script. While it is not necessary to read every word exactly, a script improves your recording significantly and eliminates a lot of editing. A script saves time!

Next, modify the PowerPoint (on your computer) to fit your script. I play my audio recording while I watch my PowerPoint. Testing on your computer saves time.

Are you ready?

Check  Quality images

 Check Great Recording

Check  Interesting content 


The final steps are 1, 2, 3:

1. Upload your PowerPoint to SlideShare
2. Upload your audio MP3 file to SlideShare
3. Synchronize the advancement of images with audio. This is very easy to do.

Are you ready to jump inSlideShare is a great site for creating professional quality presentations about your art or craft.

For example, I recommended that my daughter upload her portfolio and talk about her design objectives as a SlideShare presentation. What an easy way to have an online link for your resume as a new graduate on a job hunt.

 It's summer! Are you ready to jump into new ways to share your work with a larger audience? 


Just in is a review of the final steps to create your own audio recording.

FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS found here for a podcast tutorial.
Download the audio software. You are almost ready.

The final download is Lame MP3 Encoder. This information is further down on the same page.  See the image below.


AFTER you download both Audacity and LAME MP3 Encoder, you are ready to start recording with your headset/microphone.


It takes some trial and error to become proficient. The image above is what the Audacity editing software looks like on my computer. As you record, you will see the recording as the squiggly blue line.

With a little practice, you start identifying what words look like.  I am editing the Professional Development Seminar recording from the Seattle SNAG Conference.

It is interesting that you can start to see "uhmmmmmsss", "Ahhhhsss", and "annnnddddssss". They are called "audible pauses" and your recording will sound a lot better by editing out audible pauses, stutters, and external noises (like a cough).

This post was updated on February 5, 2022.
