Behind the CaFE Curtain: Tips to Improve Your Statement Information
The Billboard Art Project in Chicago OUTSIDE White Walls

Behind the CaFE Curtain: Submit Images Early to Improve Your CaFE Application

Cafe corny Submit your images early to CaFE!

Submit your images early to any juried situation!

Alarmclockred I have long held the opinion that the simple act of submitting images early to a juried situation can be a significant factor in a juried situation.

After my experience with CaFE, this opinion is stronger than ever. 

On CaFE, the images were reviewed in sequential order - no option. The order appeared to be the order that people submitted their images.

Every time that I looked at the images, I had to start from the beginning of ALL THE IMAGES and look through EVERY image, no skipping ahead, no fast forward.

Winning the Race with Time Brooch by Harriete Estel Berman What this means is that the jurors will be “fresh” when they begin the review process. They may be looking at early arrivals first and be more open to the work shown. After a few hours and a few hundred images, the jurors will have seen a tremendous amount of work including a lot of very good choices suitable for the situation.

Winning the Race With Time by Harriete Estel Berman Just would you feel if you had to look at 1,000 images, or 3,000 images? 

In a different situation (not using CaFE), the sequence is likely the same. If the exhibition sponsor has been organizing the images as they arrive in an effort to keep them neat and organized, the early submissions will be closer to the beginning and last-minute arrivals will be at the end.

Winning the Race With Time by Harriete Estel BermanCUR72 For this reason, if at all possible, avoid sending in your prospectus and images at the last minute before the deadline.

This principle of submitting your work early to any juried situation is TIP #9.  PLAN CAREFULLY TO MEET ALL DEADLINES from the TOP TEN TIPS for Getting Into a Juried Exhibition, Craft Show, Book, or Magazine. 

Improve your artistic and business success by following the  Professional Guidelines.


This post was updated on February 11, 2022.

Winning the Race With Time Brooch by Harriete EStel Berman72 Winning the Race with Time Brooch
Harriete Estel Berman
