The Billboard Art Project in Chicago OUTSIDE White Walls
Juried Submissions: What information do jurors really take into consideration?

Networking, Forging Communities, Connections, Opportunities


  Here I am as the "Applause  Lady" at a
  SNAG Conference. I don't normally
 dress like this, but it was fun.

Though I love the virtual world, there will never be a substitute for going to a symposium, meeting people in person, or listening to a lecture live. A serendipitous moment can change your professional future. It has happened to me time and time again. Make it happen for yourself.

With this in mind, here is information about a symposium in the S.F. Bay Area that took place on November 12, 2011, followed by links and brief information about the speakers. This symposium was titled "Forging Communities - An Intimate One-Day Symposium" and was sponsored by the Metal Arts Guild of San Francisco. I was one of the speakers.



Symposiumflyer_1000WEBForging Communities  An Intimate One-Day Symposium 
November 12, 2011 
Sponsored by the Metal Arts Guild of San Francisco

Metal Rising: The Forming of the Metal Arts Guild, San Francisco, California, 1929-1964 presented by Jennifer Shaifer followed by a conversation with Imogene Tex Gieling, merry renk, Florence Resnikov (founding members of MAG).

What does Success Look Like in the Jewelry World? with Sarah Turner, Brigitte Martin, Lola Brooks, Sienna Patti.

Professional Practices: Conversation, Questions, & Commentary with me, Harriete Estel Berman.  Tara Brannigan covered the symposium live via Twitter.

The Maker Faire Phenomenon – Engaging Community and the Next Generation of Makers with Dale Dougherty (Founder of Make: Magazine and Maker Faire).

The Extreme Craft Roadshow presented by Garth Johnson

This post was updated on February 11, 2022.



