SHIPPING Options for LARGE SCULPTURE - "thinking outside the box"
July 23, 2012
Shipping is expensive and it seems to cost more all the time. The cost of shipping large-scale work can be prohibitive. More problems arise when the size of your box or crate exceeds the limitations of standard shipping options like USPS, UPS, and FedEx. It can be very stressful, and the shipping solutions aren't all that easy to find on your own.
That is why Kim Cridler's lecture "Shipping Large Sculpture" is so great. Kridler offers multiple options for shipping large-scale work outside of the white glove, professional art shippers that are impossible for most of us to afford.
Are you prepared for success? Do you think ahead about shipping when you design the work? Kim Cridler shows how she disassembles her work for safe shipping.
Are you planning for shipping in your schedule three months in advance? See how Kim Cridler plans ahead.
Are you planning for the shipping expenses? What are the options?
What shipping documentation would exhibition locations expect to see? Cridler reveals her recommendations.
This fabulous lecture Shipping Large Sculpture by Kim Cridler includes less familiar shipping options such as:
- Blanket Wrapped Shipping
- Less Than Truckload Shipping
- Greyhound Shipping
- Amtrak Shipping
- Navis Pack & Ship
- Plus...of course, the ultimate in do it yourself with U-Haul.
Shipping Large Sculpture by Kim Cridler
Kim Cridler working on large sculpture in the studio.
Kim Cridler with finished work in the studio (above).
Blanket wrapped shipping. Suspended inside the truck.
Sculpture by Kim Cridler installed.
This presentation Shipping Large Sculpture and the handout by Kim Cridler were originally given at the SNAG 2012 Professional Development Seminar.
The PDS occurs each year during the SNAG Conference. Organized by Brigitte Martin, Andy Cooperman, and myself, Harriete Estel Berman. The PDS provides professional development information for the arts and craft community.
Please feel welcome to share this information with your fellow artists, makers, and arts organizations.
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Tips for Safe Shipping of Jewelry
Shipping Planning vs. Shit* Happening
Shipping Boxes for Art of Craft Should Include Instructions
(tip sheet)
Shipping Comparisons: Shipping Cost & Insurance with Common Carriers
Compare USPS to Fed Ex: Outrageous Difference
Condition Report from the Professional Guidelines
Claims for Damaged Work from the Professional Guidelines
DAMN! Damaged boxes! Claims for Damaged Work.
Preservation, Conservation - Design for Repair
This post was updated on April 11, 2022, to provide current links.