Tales of Woe & Blood Curdling Shipping
"People aren't used to women being so passionate." "It scares them."

It is surprising how many artists do not know how to pack their work for safety and security


Why does Leila Hamdan, artist and museum registrar say: "It is surprising how many artists do not know how to pack their work for safety and security." At the Museum, "it was always heartbreaking to open a package and see that their work had been damaged."

LISTEN to French Thompson & Harriete Estel Berman as we talk about shipping disasters, recommendations, and solutions on Jay Whaley Blog Talk Radio.

Originally recorded on THURSDAY, August 9th, 2012 the archived recording is online.


CONDITION Report from the Professional Guidelines for shipping art or craft

Conditions Report from the Professional Guidelines

Claims for Damaged Work  from the Professional Guidelines

DAMN! Damaged boxes! Claims for Damaged Work.

Preservation, Conservation - Design for Repair


This post was updated on June 13, 2022, to provide current links.



