Spam Comments Hurt Your Site
December 28, 2012
For the past year, or so, the increased visibility of ASK Harriete has generated more spammy comments. (Spam is unrelated comments containing links.) I didn't like feeling "used" so decided to require approval before publishing, or I edit the comments. This seemed like an unfortunate choice as comments generate feedback and discussion. It is also wonderful to hear from readers of ASK Harriete.
It turns out that my intuition was correct. Research into improving SEO has revealed that spammy comments can hurt your website or blog.
Tat Roach Trap Flower Pin
Since spam comments are from a marauding pack of internet "roaches" Google is devaluing spam comments with links. If those spammy links are on your site, they will devalue your website or blog!
Control over comments is considered your job....and now you know that you have to do it.
Google is calling this User Generated Spam.
My action: Require approval of comments consistent with Google recommendations.
- Require approval of comments for your website or blog.
- Remove the URL links in spam comments. (Lots of times the URL link is not obvious in the comment. Only when I go to edit the comment is the HTML code revealed.)
- Read Google recommendations and don't leave spam comments on your website or blog.
Poor Quality Comments Are Your Content
Are YOU the rel=AUTHOR of your Website?
Crafting Better SEO - Guide to SEO TOPICS on Metalsmith BenchTalk Whaley Studios
This post was updated on July 11, 2022, to provide current links.