Tips for Your Essential Studio Shots
March 20, 2013
Every artist and maker needs to update their profile shots and studio images once in a while.
Usually once a year, I dedicate the better part of a day to new studio shots and it is time to do this again. I need to be ready in advance for a request for a studio shot.
Who will take the photos? Ask a friend that likes to take photos. Ask an art student that wants to practice with their camera or build their portfolio. Maybe you will meet someone that wants to trade for your artwork. Ask your son or daughter.
Here are a few tips.
- Always wear extra make-up, it never shows in the photo.
- Never wear a black shirt. If you do the artist always ends up looking like a floating head in the photo.
- Connect with the camera. Project positive feelings and energy. (I know that sounds silly but it works.)
- Chin down just a little.
- Take photos on a good day....a "bad day" always shows in your face.
- Plan on using the time of day with the best light in your studio.
- Make sure you have extra white foam core to bounce light.
- Take serious working shots and experiments.
- Take images of your studio with and without the artist.
- Publish only the best photos, and not all at once.
- Take process shots during every major artwork. Book authors and blog writers love to include the in progress shots and the finished artwork.
Here is a great tutorial that might help improve your lighting.
This tutorial shows how to use Photoshop for a more flattering image. "Smooth Operator: Make More Flattering Portraits"
I'll be on Jay Whaley blog talk radio with Andy Cooperman and Brigitte Martin on Thursday, 3:00 PST (6:00 East Coast). We will be talking about the upcoming Professional Development Seminar topic titled: Cash Cow, Sacred Cow, Purple Cow with lots of inspiring ideas for artists and makers. This program will take place during the upcoming SNAG Conference and is inspired by the Seth Godin Lecture How to Get Your Ideas to Spread.
Harriete Estel Berman
Have you scene my studio online. And some people wonder where I get all my tin cans....just junk places, and resale shops. Some games (like the one below) are really great gifts but must be terrible games because I see them all the time.