"Purple Cow" Visibility . . . Yes, Yes, Yes,
June 03, 2013
Standing out from the herd, or "Purple Cow" visibility, is about finding and developing an audience outside your familiar pasture. By this I mean outside your comfort zone or outside your normal audience. It could be anything or anyplace but it is reaching beyond your usual audience to find visibility.
For me building purple cow visibility is an adventure...and being willing to take a few risks. I can try just about anything for visibility once to see what happens (as long as it doesn't cost money). This is about finding those guerrilla marketing opportunities that are not obvious but might work.
In this post, I will share a recent "purple cow" example that I tried.
Colored Pencil Magazine featured a post about shipping (based on an archived ASK Harriete post). The article gave visibility to my name, website, blog, along with all the shipping information on ASK Harriete (not just the one post).
Colored Pencil Magazine was new to me, but the article included a link to my website and blog. This increased traffic. And more
traffic = higher search ranking for my site.
The next step is to leverage that first opportunity into another opportunity.
When the editor of "Colored Pencil" Magazine approached me about the shipping article, I realized that he might also be interested in my installation from Pencils. In subsequent communications, I reminded them again and included an image and a link to my website. This sculpture fabricated from pencils was a perfect purple cow for the magazine. Magazines are always searching for interesting content for their readers.
They jumped on the suggestion and now the installation Pick Up Your Pencils, Begin will be a featured article in an upcoming issue of Colored Pencil Magazine.
Will this generate an exhibition opportunity? Who knows, but it might. It sometimes takes years for exhibition opportunities to develop.
If I have learned anything in years of experience, it is to stretch for
every opportunity. Have your photos ready because
publishers always want them yesterday.
Will the article result in sales? or money? One never knows, but this was not my priority.
In my opinion, a purple cow opportunity can not be developed with a set expectation. Having a fixed idea for the outcome does not work? The possibility is your objective.
How can you make this work for you?
Approaching Colored Pencil Magazine would be a great
opportunity for all those makers working in metal that use Prismacolor
pencils for a surface finish. Or what if you use work with colored pencils as your medium in a sculpture, as an image in your ceramics, or in your prints.
If you study your work, what kind of "purple cow" visibility would fit your work? What is your new pasture for opportunity and visibility.
Harriete Estel Berman
P.S. In case you want to purchase a copy of Colored Pencil Magazine CLICK HERE.