10 Tips for Catching & Keeping an Editor's Attention -- by Michelle Bilodeau
Observations at ACC San Francisco 2013

21 Presentations = 140,726 views of PDS

Purple-Cow-ALL-6-presentations-verticalThree years ago I suggested recording the SNAG Professional Development Seminar at the conference.

The goal?

Share and keep sharing the information with the arts and crafts community beyond the one, live afternoon at the SNAG Conference.

Why share these presentations for free?

Because SNAG is dedicated to education.

Now, after three years and 21 recorded presentations, there have been over 140,000 views.


WOW!  Beyond expectations!

But it wasn't magic that made this happen. Lots of people and organizations made this possible with their hard work.

And special thanks goes to every speaker that allowed us to record their presentation and post it online.

Thank you to SNAG, the NEA, and MJSA for providing funding. Thank you also to Jeweler's Mutual for their sponsored representative  Tina Pint.

Every presentation
can be found online on:

the SNAG website, or
my website
view the presentations directly on Slideshare & YouTube.

Everyone is invited to share this information with their local or national art organizations.


Link to a single presentation or the entire group.


There is also an embed code for your website or blog (with appropriate links and attributions.)   



Please contact me directly through my website, Facebook, Google + if you need help or information.

The Professional Development Seminar was organized
over the past 10 years by Don Friedlich, Andy Cooperman, Brigitte Martin and myself, Harriete Estel Berman.


Contact Brigitte Martin or myself for suggestions of future topics.


Photography-In-Flux-Niche-Marketing-VerticalP.S. Just ask for the link to a specific presentation, an image or the embed code.

