The Unexpected Purple Cow: Pop-Up Stores and Alternative Exhibition Spaces
July 01, 2013
Today's feature presentation from the 2013 SNAG Professional Development Seminar is: The Unexpected Purple Cow: Pop-Up Stores and Alternative Exhibition Spaces by Natasha Granatstein
describes her neighborhood's POP-Up shop program sponsored by the Danforth East Community Association. She answers the
following questions:
- What is the motivation for doing pop-ups?
- What was the larger objective of the program?
- Where to find information that will help people learn about POP-Up shops?
- How to advertise your pop-up spaces?
- How to pick artists for your spaces?
- Is some artwork more suitable than other work?
- What work should not be shown? Why not?
Think about you can apply these experiences to your own community or for your own pop-up shop. Natasha also mentioned Renew NewCastle as a model program that the Danforth community used for their Pop-Up shops initiative.
More to come in the next few weeks . . .
Each Monday for the next four weeks another presentation from the PDS will be published.
Subscribe to ASK Harriete (in the left column) and don't miss a single presentation -- or become a member of SNAG.
The Professional Development Seminar program was organized by Andy Cooperman, Brigitte Martin and Harriete Estel Berman.
These presentations were recorded during the SNAG Conference and brought to you by our sponsors:
We are currently planning the 2014 PDS. Brigitte Martin and I would love to hear your thoughts about the pressing issues for makers and metalsmiths. What topics do you think we should cover? What do you want to know?
Sacred Cow, Purple Cow, Cash Cow
Other SlideShare presentations published to date:
Introduction to “Sacred Cow, Purple Cow, Cash Cow” by PDS organizers Andy Cooperman, Brigitte Martin and Harriete Estel Berman.
Moola Mae Cash Cow by Artist: Robert Stadnycki
Sponsor: Waypoint Bank, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Rachel Timmins -- "Purple Cow: Documentation via Video and Photography"
Lara Bazant -- "Bringing the Purple Cow to the Market: Tapping Into the Experience Economy"
Justin D. Hartzman and Jeremy Poriah -- "All You Can Eat Website -
Customizing the Cow: New Trends in Cross Platform Web Optimization"
Michelle Bilodeau -- "10 Tips for Catching & Keeping an Editor's Attention"
Looking forward to your comments....