Handout for lecture given for the MBMAG
Why Is This Necklace Worth $602,000?

Collector's, Collections and Your Art Work

The upcoming SNAG Professional Development Seminar is focusing on the idea that your work is important.  Your art or craft can be significant to the present and the future of your field. 


I know that sounds like lofty words, but if you don't think your work is important who will? 

Then you might be asking... 

  • What are those steps you need to take as a maker to create a place in history?
  • How do you place your work in a collection?
  • How does a collector look at work? 
  • How does work get donated to a museum collection?
  • What criteria does a museum have in mind when they accept work for their collection?  
  • So many questions to ask.

This is the focus for...
"Collectors, Collections and You"

Friday, April 25, 2013.
1:30 to 5:00 p.m. 

The Professional Development Seminar has lots of ideas to open your eyes to seeing your work in a new way. 

But you don't have to wait! 
You can listen in to a preview of the PDS
 chock full of information in an interview on Jay Whaley Metalsmith Bench Talk with me, Harriete Estel Berman  and Betty Talbott. Betty Talbott is the Director of the Ohio Craft Museum and Artistic Director of the Ohio Designer Craftsmen. They have an extensive collection of member works and are a stellar example of "grassroots" collections.


Your work may have value to your family, the history of your guild, academic program, or a museum. Start with your Maker's Mark, & Inventory Records as a foundation.

Look at the line up of speakers here.

Register for the PDS at the SNAG conference here.


It is also possible to purchase a one day pass for the day of the Professional Development Seminar.

1001 Marquette Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN


This is my maker's mark (above).
Are you wondering why it looks like a domestic iron?




Creative Commons License
Harriete Estel Berman by ASK Harriete is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at http://www.askharriete.typepad.com.
