Did you see "Alibaba and the Copycat Thieves"?
February 03, 2014
At every level of the craft community, thieves are copying ideas, images, and original content without permission or authorization. Yet we in the crafts community too often seem to turn a blind eye or whisper about the problem. Victims of copycat may be afraid of criticism, embarrassed by the negative attention, or worried about social repercussions.
In the Age of the Internet digital technologies are compounding the problems.
It is time WE RAISED AWARENESS about the impact of copycat thieves.
To this end I wrote a post on the American Craft Council blog titled: Alibaba and the Copycat Thieves
Please read this ACC post and let me know what you think.
Please consider sharing this post with your own comment and link to the original source.
Until awareness of the many faces of copycat thieves enters the consciousness of the craft community, the copycat thieves will continue to pirate our work, our ideas, our content, and our livelihoods.
By addressing these copycat issues openly, we can change the climate of fear, stigma, and worry. Expect a brighter future for ourselves, colleagues, and community.
Below are posts from artists about theft of their ideas, images and content.
"Stolen images at JC Penney + Call It Spring"
Copycats Cost Artist $250,000 Loss