"I love your work and want to make one for myself"
What is the Value of Your Work?

TOP TEN TIPS for Getting Into a Juried Exhibitions, Juried Shows, Books or Magazines

TOP-TEN-TIPS-for Juried-Opportunities

There is a new improved PDF for the TOP TEN TIPS for Getting into a Juried Exhibition, Craft Show, Book or Magazine with a colored background and internal links for easy reading.

Special appreciation to Tittin Rinde in France for efforts to make this document easier on the eyes. 

Many professionals from the arts and crafts community offered their opinions writing this resource for artists and makers. Their names are listed at the end of the document.

 The Professional Guidelines for the arts and crafts community has 19 documents. 


ASK-Harriete-Green-noBKASK Harriete has a number of posts about Juried Exhibitions that you may find helpful in your professional development.

 Information about retail craft shows can be found under The White Tent or the White Wall.

