The "G-day" is here. Is your site "mobile-friendly?"
April 21, 2015
This sounds nuts when I read this post in 2021. We all use our phones for mobile activity on the web, but that wasn't always true.
In April 21, 2015, Google threatened to reduce the visibility of your website or blog in search results if it is not "mobile-friendly."
Below is an image of an email that I received from Google Webmaster Tools. Sounds pretty scary to me.
I have been reading posts about this April 21st Google deadline for weeks, listening to podcasts, and knew this was coming, yet did nothing until last night jumping into a "beta" version of Typepad so that I could format all the colors and choices myself.
The issues surrounding mobile usability could have a profound effect on how your business will show up in Google search results. For example, Google says that 100% of my website pages have mobility issues. This is a nightmare!
In summary, the reason for this mandate is that more and more people are using their smartphones and tablets to access the web.
In the next few posts, I will try to bring some of the pressing issues forward as topics, but now all website templates take mobile users into account. A huge percentage of web traffic is now mobile.