3 Tips - New Website, New Domain, Retaining Page Rank
An Exuberance of Color in Studio Jewelry

Never say, "Gosh ...I could have gotten into that." Guidance to Improve Juried Opportunities

Page-under-construction-orangeround36As mentioned on the previous post, I am reconstructing an entirely new website. As a result I am reminded of all the useful content in the Professional Guidelines and in the ASK Harriete archives that may improve your success when submitting your work to a juried exhibition, show, book or magazine.

Even the smallest adjustment to your submission may make the difference between success and less than optimal outcomes. I've seem this over and over. Recently I was asked to select the award winning work for a juried exhibition. The $500 first price was a very generous award to stimulate entries. There were great 2nd and 3rd place awards as well, but the reality was that there not as many submissions as expected. What a missed opportunity for many, and a optimal opportunity for others!  

Never say, "Gosh ...I could have gotten into that." Try for every competition that fits your work using this information to improve your chances for success.


Juried Opportunities from the Professional Guidelines


CuratorMETROPOLITANWhat Is the Difference Between Curated and Juried?




Jenny-Fillius-well-doneCONTINUITY and CONSISTENCY, Photos Should Demonstrate Clear Focus






Zapplication: Behind the scenes by Craig Nutt



Opportunity vs. Vanity Scams




Photo Comparisons and Descriptions - Now Optimize Your Submission

Put lady luck on your side with a well planned entry.


This post was updated on December 13th, 2021.
