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Information for Etsy Sellers


'ETsypaperbackbookstanding (1)Megan Visser has written her own book for improving your Etsy shop. The information is available at no charge.

She had a number of "Etsy experts" offer their words of advice. I contributed a couple of pages of information about the topic of "overhead." 

You can't go wrong with the time it takes to download this free e-book. 

Download ReVAMPing Your Etsy Shop E-Book

With two children and one on the way, I don't see how Megan Visser does it all.  Check out her Etsy shop.  


Update 2023: Etsy is not the same platform it was in 2011. Now it has national visibility with commercials on television, in addition to tons of "other stuff" beyond handmade. If you are reading this post....I wonder what you think of Etxy now?